Quintessence Guomai Hotel stands in the flourish CBD(Central Business District) of Cixi, which is a 3-star tourist hotel gathering rooms, restaurants, amusement, business, conference and office building as a whole.
钱塘国脉大酒店矗立于慈溪繁华的中央商务区,是一家集客房、餐饮、娱乐、商务、会议和写字楼一体的三星级旅游涉外宾馆。 |
Quintessence. You collapse a bit of time into a physical substance.
萃取术:你把一些时间转化成物质。 |
Quips and cranks.
妙语和警句 |
Quips such as it's only a machine gunwhen asked if you are carrying any dangerous goods will not be tolerated.
当问及是否携带任何危险物品,若开玩笑回答:「只有一把机关枪」,也不获容许。 |
Quirrell, it turns out, has something of a knack for handling trolls.
书中的奇洛有一些对付巨怪的诀窍。 |
Quis dixisti jugummeum,Suave est,et onusmeum leve.
你曾说过我的轭是甘饴的,我的担子是轻松的。 |
Quit a few local governments,government offices and organizations compete with one another for lavishness and spend money hand over foot,which arouses strong public resentment.
“现在,不少地方、部门和单位讲排场、比阔气,花钱大手大脚,奢侈之风盛行,群众反应强烈。 |
Quit asking him to do you a favor. You’re beating a dead horse.
别再求他帮你忙了,你这是白费劲。 |
Quit crying bitch, why you always make me shout at you?
不要哭婊子,为什么你总是让我冲你嚷? |
Quit does render all the effort meaningless.
放弃将会使所有的努力付之东流。 |
Quit dragging your heels and hurry!
别磨蹭了,快点儿! |