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The titanium alloy valve is more superior than ordinary steel valve in lighter, smaller expansion coefficient, improves the tightness in inletting and exhausting, helps in complete combustion, and at the same time reduces noise, friction, oil consumption,

The tissue specimen was histologically diagnosed to be benign prostatic tissue. 这个组织被病理诊断为良性摄护腺组织。
The tissues have been destroyed and a scar has formed. 那些组织受到破坏,形成一道疤痕。
The tissues of the stele and cortex are derived from the corpus. 中柱和皮层组织就是来源于原体。
The titamium oxide growth model during solidification is established according to the basic rules of segregation and diffusion. 摘要根据凝固过程中溶质元素偏析和扩散的基本规律,建立了凝固过程中氧化钛的长大模型。
The titanic figure of Black saxophonist John Coltrane has complicated the arguments made by proponents of styles from bebop through neobop because in his own musical journey he drew from all those styles. 从博普爵士乐到新博普爵士乐各类风格都有阐发者,但黑人萨克松演奏家约翰.柯尔特雷恩这一爵士乐巨人的出现使这些人的论点更加复杂,因为他在自己的音乐之旅中,从上述各种风格中博采众长。
The titanium alloy valve is more superior than ordinary steel valve in lighter, smaller expansion coefficient, improves the tightness in inletting and exhausting, helps in complete combustion, and at the same time reduces noise, friction, oil consumption, 钛合金汽门比一般钢阀材质的产品更轻化、膨胀系数小,于进、排气时可提升它的气密动作,帮助完全燃烧,同时减少噪音、摩擦、油耗、震动及废气。
The titanium alloy valve is more superior than ordinary steel valve in lighter, smaller thermal expansion coefficient, lower in thermal expansion, fatigue durable, good elasticity, and reduces oil consumption so as to prevent instability while revolving a 钛合金汽门弹簧比一般钢阀材质更轻巧、热膨胀系数小、热量传导扩散更低、耐疲劳、弹性佳、减少油耗,以阻止在高速运转下的不稳定以获致最完美的性能表现。
The title Urusei Yatsurais a Japanese play on words. There isn't any English equivalent to this complex multi-leveled pun, so we must explain it in detail to understand it. 是一个来自日语的单词,在英语里没有对应的单词可以直接对应这个复杂的复合词的意思。所以必须要在下面的文章中仔细的解释一下。
The title belongs to badminton. 这个头衔是属于羽毛球的。
The title charge continued apace despite his absence –though four goals shipped in the first two games he missed indicate his value. 但联赛争夺还在继续,球队在他缺席的头2场比赛里丢掉4球,这也展示了他的价值。
The title didn?t have a long life, but it was fun while it lasted (for the most part). 标题雾化?笔有很长的寿命,但它的乐趣,同时它历时(部份).

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