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I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.

I have fool confidence in you. 我对你充满了信心。
I have forgotten his telephone number. 我忘记了他的电话号码。
I have found a new love, dear, and I will always want her near. 亲爱的,我已经找到了新的归宿,我总是渴望着和她亲近。
I have found it both inadequate and misleading. 我发现这些资料写的不是不够好,就是使人产生误解。
I have found many other programmers who are excited about GNU and want to help. 我发现有很多程式设计者对GNU感兴趣而且愿意帮忙。
I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. 我发现,如果你热爱生活,生活就会回报你。
I have found the right way after experimented over and over. 经过反复试验,我终于找到了正确的方法。
I have found this product to give INSTANT relief from the stinging and itching of mosquito bites. 我发现此产品后即将它运用在皮肤的疼痛、蚊虫叮咬上,可减轻其不适的搔癢感。
I have found through my years of competing and training that nobody cares what my opinions are, what country I represent or what group of people, they care if I skate well or not.I don't feel that I represent a team, nor a group of people. 我从自己多年训练与比赛的经历中得出一个结论:没人会在乎我的想法,没人会在乎我代表哪个国家或哪群人,他们只在乎我滑得是不是好。
I have found whom the person was. 我已经查清了这人是谁.
I have found you out at last, you cheat! 我总算把你看透了,你这个骗子!

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