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Eastern Mi ouri ACLU legal director Anthony Rothert said the injunction was“a victory for parents who want to direct the religious u ringing of their children without interference from public schools.

Eastern China's Shandong province and the southwestern city of Chongqing were also badly hit, with rain inflicting severe damage to infrastructure, transportation and telecommunications, Xinhua said. 华东省份山东和西南城市重庆也同样遭受袭击,下雨引起多处基础设施,运输及通信损坏.
Eastern Christianity, which takes a less pessimistic view of human nature than Augustine or Aquinas did, has answers to such dilemmas; so has Buddhism. 东正教在人类本性的问题上比奥古斯丁或阿奎那的意见稍乐观,对于此类两难困境自有答案;佛教亦有自己的解决之道。
Eastern European markets have advanced strongly this year, with Budapest up 44.9 per cent, Lithuania 41.9 and Prague 22.5. 东欧股市今年也大幅攀升,布达佩斯股市上涨44.9%;立陶宛股市涨41.9%,布拉格股市涨22.5%。
Eastern Gnosticism took a somewhat different course. Under the influence of traditional Iranian religion, the semi-Gnostic Manichaeism developed an absolute cosmic dualism between soul and matter. 东方的诺斯替派有些不同的实践。在伊朗传统宗教的影响下,半诺斯替主义的摩尼教发展了一种绝对的宇宙二元论,是灵魂与物质。
Eastern Gondwana had begun to separate form Western Gondwana. 尽管盘古大陆依然完整,不过可以听到大陆开始分裂的隆隆声。
Eastern Mi ouri ACLU legal director Anthony Rothert said the injunction was“a victory for parents who want to direct the religious u ringing of their children without interference from public schools. 东密苏里州美国公民自由联盟法务总监安东尼·罗赫特表示禁令是“那些希望孩子们在没有公立学校干涉下接受宗教的父母们的胜利”。
Eastern Missouri ACLU legal director Anthony Rothert said the injunction was“a victory for parents who want to direct the religious upbringing of their children without interference from public schools. 东密苏里州美国公民自由联盟法务总监安东尼·罗赫特表示禁令是“那些希望孩子们在没有公立学校干涉下接受宗教的父母们的胜利”。
Eastern Orthodox Christians are celebrating Christmas Day, starting a festal season which will last for twelve days till the Baptism holiday. 东正教教徒们开始庆祝圣诞节,他们的庆祝盛典将持续12天,直到洗礼节。
Eastern Winds appear primarily as a woodwind quintet. 目前「东风」以木管乐五重奏为主。
Eastern and Western societies have different ideas about politeness. 东方和西方关于礼貌有不同的见解。
Eastern regions will have heavy rain today. 东部区域今天将有大雨。

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