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August is the hottest month here.

August 26th A Venus Saturn conjunction will be less than one degree from opposed to Neptune. 8月26日金星土星契合将是少于一度从反对海王星。
August is a time for harvest, Asia Outdoor Trade Fair will undoubtedly provide all the outdoor brands a great opportunity to reap, and let's together wait to witness the pageant of this outdoor industry. 8月是收获的季节,亚洲户外展必将会是所有户外品牌展商及户外玩家收获商机和信息的平台,8月的南京将与您共同见证这一户外行业的盛会。
August is a wonderful season in Shanghai. Wish everyone could get good record in this race, Feel the race,Enjoy our lives. 八月的上海是个曼妙的季节。希望参赛的所有选手取得好成绩,感受比赛,享受生活!
August is not altogether gifts Clockwork SMS bless you, healthy and happy longer with you, good luck and you are not isolated, there let me tell you, the God of Wealth already follow you. 八月中秋不送礼,发条短信祝福你,健康快乐长伴你,好运和你不分离,还有让我告诉你,财神已经跟随你.
August is the eighth month in a year. 八月是一年中的第八个月。
August is the hottest month here. 这里的八月是最热的。
August. Lucius Malfoy slips Tom's diary into a book purchased for Ginny Weasley (CS4). 8月,卢修斯?马尔福把汤姆的日记本偷偷塞进金妮?韦斯莱刚买的新书里(密室,第4章)。
Augustine We can know God's shit. 奥古斯丁:我们可以知道上帝会大便。
Augustine: I forgot. I went for a drink. 奥古斯汀:我忘了。我去喝了一杯。
Augustine: You liar! I was holding my mother-of-pearl comb and cleaning it. 奥古斯汀:你这个骗子!我正拿着我妈妈的珍珠母梳子,并且在清理它。
Augusto Odone: Dr. Nikolias, what about the other boys, what results are you seeing in them? 奥古斯托:尼古拉斯医生,其他的男孩呢?你从他们身上得出什么结论?

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