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A difference in wage rate or in price.

A diehard reformist, Kim can boast 4.6% economic growth for the first quarter, as opposed to deep recession last year. 金大中对于改革持有执着的态度,他在第一季度的经济增长中达到4.6%,这将是对去年经济不景气的还击。
A diet high in fat may lead to obesity. 一个人的饮食含脂肪过多会导致肥胖。
A diet history may reveal food faddism, lack of variety, or inadequate or excessive intake of energy and essential nutrients. 通过膳食史可以发现是否是时尚饮食、食物品种是否单一、能量和必需营养素摄入不足或过多等情况。
A diet lacking in nutritional value will not keep a person heathy. 缺乏营养价值的饮食无法使人保持健康。
A diet with no exercise is bad for the health, because it will result in a loss of both fat and muscle tissue. 不锻炼光节食是有害于健康的,因为它将在导致脂肪损失的同时,也导致肌肉组织的损失。
A difference in wage rate or in price. 工资级差工资或价格上的差异
A different IP address can get assigned to them every time the connect to the internet. 每次这些用户接入互联网时,互联网服务提供商便给他们提供一个不同的IP地。
A different illustrator was hired for each of the five slim volumes. But they are all anchored by the same message, she insists: Nothing is what it seems. 麦当娜找了不同的画家分别为这五本薄薄的儿童书绘制插图。但是,她坚持认为所有的书都传递了同一个资讯,那就是:很多东西并不像表面看到的那样。
A different problem has arisen. 不同的问题发生了。
A different rock band plays at Uncle Bob's every night. 每天晚上在鲍勃叔叔的餐馆里总有一支不同的摇滚乐队在演奏。
A different sort of Cold War rages in Battlefield 2142, as two factions battle for survival and a new home in the distant future. 爆发在《战地2142》里的是与众不同的冷战,在遥远的未来,为了生存和新家园而进行的战役。

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