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Reassemble the check module in the reverse order. Install the check modules into the valve body hand-tight. Replace the cover.

Reasons for the malfunctions due to the unstable switch of inverters are analyzed and corresponding approaches to cope with them are presented. 针对逆变器切换不稳定的故障情况,分析原因并提出解决问题的思路和方法。
Reasons that expatriate assignments failed included the lack of a cultural fit, family or personal issues or a lack of direction from managers. 这些外籍管理人员失败的原因在于无法适应中国文化,还有家庭或者个人原因,另外是缺乏管理者的指导。
Reasons why people work other than earning a living. 除了生存人们工作的其他原因。
Reassemble remaining parts in reverse order. 按照相反步骤装配剩下的部件。
Reassemble the Check valve modules. 重新组装止回阀模块。
Reassemble the check module in the reverse order. Install the check modules into the valve body hand-tight. Replace the cover. 按照相反顺序重新组装止回阀模块。将止回阀模块安装进阀体内,用手紧固。重新安装阀盖。
Reassemble the relief valve in the reverse order that it was disassembled. 按照拆卸的相反顺序重新组装安全阀。
Reassemble the spare restrictor bar to the machine following the procedure as illustrated above, and examine whether the opening of restrictor bar remains the same as before. 将备用的节流棒按前述的安装方法重新安装上去。并检验安装好后的节流棒开口是否与拆卸前的开口大小一致。
Reassigned the ambassador to a new post; reassigned the job to more experienced workers. 将大使重新分配到一个新的职位上;将这项工作重新指派给更有经验的工人们
Reassured, she gathered her things, rolled up the car's window, and reminded herself to tell the auto club driver where the spare key was. 确认安全后,她拿了物品,关上车门,还提醒自己要打电话让汽车俱乐部的驾驶员知道备用的车钥匙放在什么地方。
Reassuring stuff—except Mr Mishkin's rosy figures assume that central bankers can quickly and pre-emptively loosen monetary policy. 双保险—除了米什金先生乐观的数据预期央行可以迅速并先发制人的放开货币政策以外。

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