Strong leadership skills. Demonstrated ability to manage emergency situations in a petrochemical complex.
具有很强的领导能力,具有在石化联合装置上处理紧急事故的能力。 |
Strong leadership, communications and interpersonal skills.
很强的领导力、沟通和人际交往技巧。 |
Strong management and cooperative spirit are both requested.
具有较强的管理能力及合作精神。 |
Strong negotiation and leadership capacity.
优秀的谈判和领导能力。 |
Strong negotiation skills and be good at paper work.
较强的谈判技巧与文字表达能力。 |
Strong negotiation skills and interpersonal skills and PC proficiency.
具有良好的谈判能力和处理人际关系技巧,熟练使用电脑。 |
Strong personality with good working attitude , can work under high pressure .
良好的工作态度,能承受工作压力。 |
Strong professional ethic and communication skill and teamwork spirits.
有极强的责任感和敬业精神,沟通能力强,有团队合作精神。 |
Strong project management, negotiation and organizational skills with a proactive, participatory management style is essential.
具备很强的项目管理、组织协调能力,主动、参与式的管理风格。 |
Strong project, communication, and interpersonal skills.
具有较强的计划、沟通和人际关系技巧。 |
Strong quantitative and analytical skills.
较强的定量分析能力。 |