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A cross-complaint must concern the same events that gave rise to the original lawsuit.

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. 鳄鱼不能伸出自己的舌头。
A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. 身不正,影必斜。
A cross between a black velvet and violet.The underside is all white and the rest of the body is a dark violet coloring. 丝绒紫罗兰----界与黑丝绒龙猫和紫罗兰龙猫之间的产物.肚皮全部是白的,期于其放是深紫色的。
A cross from Little forced Carvalho into a last-ditch intervention, while Steve Sidwell slammed a shot just wide after Chelsea had failed to deal with a long ball down the right channel. 里特尔的一个横传球差点迫使卡瓦略自摆乌龙,当时切尔西处理一个长传球时出现失误,西德维尔大力射门打偏了。
A cross-compiler runs on a host computer and produces object code for the target. 交叉编译器在主机上运行并且产生目标机的目标代码。
A cross-complaint must concern the same events that gave rise to the original lawsuit. 交叉起诉必须针对引起最初诉讼的同一事件。
A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted by interviewing 50 patients with structured questionnaire in a medical center in northern Taiwan. 采横断式相关性研究设计,以结构式问卷访谈北部某医学中心50名乳癌手术病人。
A crossbar consists of one set of parallel nanowires (less than 100 atoms wide) that cross over a second set. 交叉杆是由一组平行的奈米线(宽度少于100个原子),叠放在第二组奈米线上。
A crossbow arrow was fired into a soccer stadium, whistling past one of the players and forcing the amateur game to be called off. 在11月18日进行的一场英格兰业余足球比赛中,有人突然从场外向球场内发射了一支弩箭,它紧贴着一名球员的身体呼啸而过并最终迫使该场比赛提前结束。
A crossroads is a place where roads cross. 十字路口就是几条路交叉的地方。
A crossword-puzzle fiend. 热衷猜字迷的人

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