He treads on the air in his new vest and sunbonnet.
康德穿着背心遮阳帽在街上高兴的走,现在一个游历战士该有的他全有了。 |
He treasurer was expelled from the club for breaking the rules.
这位财务主管因违反规定被开除出了俱乐部。 |
He treated himself to a Sunday afternoon excursion [ a good week - end holiday ] .
他星期天下午出去游览了一番[他过了一个愉快的周末]。 |
He treated his employees with exceptional cruelty.
他对雇员非常残酷。 |
He treated his mistake as a joke.
他把他的错误当作玩笑看待。 |
He treated me with a little distance.
他对我有点冷淡。 |
He treated me with haughty contempt.
他以傲慢的轻蔑对待我。 |
He treated my request with indifference.
他不重视我的请求。 |
He treated other Confucian classics by this vision and further reached a conclusion that all the Five Classics are nothing but images while the Yi governs their principleand advocate basing on lexical interpretations and aiming to the principle in the stu
他以此象理无隔的易学视野和方法来统摄《六经》,进一步得出了“《五经》皆象,《易》统其理”的经学观,并主张治经要以训诂为根基,以义理为标的,从而使他的经学呈现出汉宋兼采并治的学术特色。 |
He treated the animal cruelly.
他残忍地对待这只动物。 |
He treated the idea as a joke.
他把这个意见当作开玩笑。 |