The take-home essay question asks students to consider the role of ideology in the motivations of and reactions to the civil rights movement.
课后作文题目是要同学思考意识形态对民权运动的动机以及反应的影响。 |
The take-off leg, which will serve as the trail leg, must fully extend at take-off.
起跨腿,作用应相当于“蔓延腿”,在过栏时必须充分伸展。 |
The take-off should be performed straight up from the landing area, at a constant rate of climb, with little lateral deviations.
由降落区内将直升机垂直起飞,保持稳定的上升速度,上升的过程中允许轻微的横向偏移。 |
The take-over decision will be published by the People's Bank of China.
接管决定由中国人民银行予以公告。 |
The takegawara bathhouse is best known for sand baths.
竹瓦温泉澡堂是以沙浴而驰名国外。 |
The takeover cause250 redundancy.
接管移交造成250人的裁员。 |
The takeover is the biggest foreign investment yet into Asia's fourth largest economy and marks the first takeover of a South Korean bank by a foreign strategic bidder.
韩国是亚洲第四大经济体,该宗收购则是迄今为止韩国最大的外资收购案,同时也首开外资战略收购韩国银行的先河。 |
The takeover will be discussed at the next board meeting.
收购事宜将在下次董事会上讨论。 |
The taker of the share who assumes it legally through consolidation, division or reorganization in other means of shareholder shall represent the copy of the valid document of the shareholder (checked with the original).
企业股东合并或分立或其它方式重组后的承继者依法承继该股东股权的,提交股权承继者获得该股东股权的有效证明文件复印件(核对原件)。 |
The taking into account of the teenagers' opinions sets a precedent for the 7,500 current local rules and regulations.
将青少年的意见考虑在内在现行7500项地方法规和条例中尚属首次。 |
The taking place likelihood of beneficial mergers under Profit-sharing rule is larger than what under the Market-share rule.
不论利润分配规则为何,只要市场规模够大,即使合并后效率降低,厂商依然愿意进行合并。 |