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Small businesses are absorbed by big ones.

Small bolus doses of fentanyl were repeated to maintain reasonable levels of anesthesia. 重复给小剂量芬太尼以维持麻醉在适当的水平。
Small brother of the famous French “Sauterne”, the sweetness of this white wine should not mask the complexity of its aftertaste. To enjoy it with desserts. 他是著名的法国苏代白葡萄酒的小弟弟,这是一种很甜的白葡萄酒,但这并不能把他的其他优点藏起来。品尝时,可搭配一些甜品。
Small bulk and low weight, conforms to user hand size. Accompanied by a hanging clip be used to fixation. 体积小,重量轻,附有一组悬挂吊夹方便固定,不占空间.
Small business should take heart at the government's new tax laws. 小商业看到政府的新税法应该振奋起来。
Small business units are best for encouraging people to contribute. 小型的业务单位是鼓励人们投入的最好地方。
Small businesses are absorbed by big ones. 小公司被大公司吞并了。
Small businesses are anxious to experiment with computers. 小型企业都急于试用计算机。
Small businesses generate job opportunities, innovations, and technological advances. 小型事业创造就业机会,带来革新与科技进步。
Small carvings of the Buddha, attorney Lu tail, ears droop, as a blessing to startle, beaming, secure a safety belt around. 巧雕的小佛,袒胸露腹,双耳下垂,福像横生,笑口常开,憨态可掬。
Small cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix is a rare tumor characterized by a highly aggressive clinical course and poor prognosis due to the high frequency of lymph node involvement at an early stage. 摘要发生在子宫颈的小细胞上皮癌是一种罕见肿瘤,由于该肿瘤很容易在早期就侵犯到邻近淋巴结,所以高度侵犯性的临床进程和不良的预后为此种癌症的特微。
Small chains are efficient but induce local reactions, whereas longer chains (>C14) are safer but less efficient. 碳链短的有效力,但是可能诱发局部不良反应;反之,碳链长(>C14)更安全,但是效力不大。

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