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Martin refused to discuss the matter.

Martin had a printed form thrust at him by an unpleasant official. 一位讨厌的官员将一份印刷表格猛地伸到马丁面前。
Martin has also written several books and I can recommend his Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code book, which you can also find on the website. 我不会在书中讲述很多敏捷开发方法,但是我会使用单元测试和简短的概念,单元测试设计,然后反复编写代码在书中将贯穿整个项目。
Martin has taken a hush - hush job at a department of the Ministry of Defence. 马丁在国防部的一个部门做机密工作。
Martin himself attended the sick man. 马丁自己来照顾这个病人.
Martin is completely discouraged, felt thorough vanishing, he all processes all manuscripts finished, no longer writes a character, obtained uses for the royalty to subsidize he the blood sisters, laundry room partner tall Egypt, as well as maintains one' 马丁万念俱灰,感到彻底的幻灭,他把所有的稿件都处理完毕,不再写一个字,把版税所得用来资助他的亲姐妹、洗衣房伙伴乔埃,以及为他守身如玉,一往情深的女工丽茜,然后投身大海,了此一生。
Martin refused to discuss the matter. 马丁拒绝讨论此事。
Martin said the boss was going to make a surprise visit, but it proved to be a false alarm. 马丁说老板将来个突然造访,但结果却是虚惊一场。
Martin said the boss was going to make a surprise visit,but it proved to be a false alarm. 马丁说老板将来个突然造访,但结果却是虚惊一场。
Martin says It is hard to identify significant constraints on China's growth in the medium term... 马丁表示,“从中期看,很难找出对中国经济增长构成明显制约的因素,……(但)如果不能坚持改革,也将十分危险。”
Martin spent the second half of last season on loan at Royal Antwerp and did enough to be voted the fans' Player of the Season. 马丁上赛季后半段被租借到了安特卫普,由于表现出色被球迷选为球队的赛季最佳球员。
Martin stood at the door, folding his arms. 马丁双臂交叉站在门口。

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