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Spoken both like your mother and father's son and Sirius's true godson!

Specialshave less instructional time with students than do regular classroom teachers. 科任(特殊)课比一般的级任导师课有著较少的上课时间与学生接触。
Specifically with Bernie, I just have no comment. 特别是威廉斯,我没有什麽想说明的。
Speculation about precisely where Cornet Wales will serve, or the exact details of his role, is potentially dangerous,the joint statement said. 联合声明表示,“任何关于王子征战的具体地点和职位的相关细节揣测都会给可能带来危险。”
Spend the night here,Balaam said to them, and I will bring you back the answer the LORD gives me.So the Moabite princes stayed with him. 8巴兰说,你们今夜在这里住宿,我必照耶和华所晓谕我的回报你们。摩押的使臣就在巴兰那里住下了。
Spirit of Redemptionand Spiritual Guidancenow work while the priest is in Shadowform. “救赎之魂”和“精神指引”现在在牧师“暗影形态”下有效。
Spoken both like your mother and father's son and Sirius's true godson! “说得好,不愧是你父母的儿子、小天狼星的教子!”
Sponsorship may be very important, but through other ways you can also promote your brand,ZTE's Mr Shi said. “赞助也许非常重要,但你通过其它途径也能推广品牌,”中兴通讯的史先生说。
Spontaneous speeches are seldom worth the paper they are not written on. 自然,感动人心的演说,通常是不会被写在稿子上的!
Spreading out caloric intake, rather than having a few large meals, leads to a better metabolic profile,Willett says. “将热量的摄取分散开来,而不是集中在一两顿饱饭上,这对新陈代谢也有好处,”维列特说。
Squall, now's your chance! 现在是你的机会!
Squat down here a minute,he said. I humored him. We hunkered down on our haunches like Indians. “蹲下一会,”他说。我蹲下后,他象个印度人一样地盘腿坐了下来。

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