NEW YORK - While research has suggested that pets can offer people health benefits, a new study from Finland finds that pet owners tend to be heavier, less active and in poorer health than those without a pet. |
中文意思: 纽约--尽管研究表明,宠物对人们的健康有利,但是芬兰的一项新的研究发现,宠物饲养者更会发胖,更不积极,并且比那些没有宠物的人的健康状况来得差. |
NEW YORK - E-mail is crippled, concussed by an irrepressible spam stream. Web surfing can be equally confounding, a wobbly wade through bursts of pop-ups and loudmouthed video ads.
电子邮件是残废的,因为有持续不断的垃圾邮件冲击。网页浏览同样让人讨厌,因为你必须面对不断弹出的新窗口和吵吵嚷嚷的视频广告。 |
NEW YORK - In the heat of summer, all sorts of tourists head north to cooler climes.
炎炎夏日,美国人总是会前往北部地区寻找凉爽地方躲避酷暑。 |
NEW YORK - Oil prices shed more than $2 Thursday to settle at their lowest level since June 2005, after the US government reported higher-than-expected inventories of gasoline, heating oil and diesel fuel amid warm winter temperatures.
纽约——在暖冬的高温中,美国政府宣布了其高于预期的天然气、燃油及柴油的存储量后,周四,油价下跌了2美元多,达到2005年6月以来的最低价。 |
NEW YORK - The one weakness of Chien-Ming Wang - and it is far more of a minor fault than a major failing - is that he doesn't strike out enough hitters.
小王有一项非常微不足道,通常不会造成惨重灾情的弱点,那就是他不太会三振打者。 |
NEW YORK - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said its fast-growing use of radio-transmitting inventory tags has helped boost sales by keeping shelves better stocked with key merchandise.
沃尔玛认为:无线电信号传输的仓储货物标签大规模使用,使货架能堆放关键好卖的商品,从而提高销售量。 |
NEW YORK - While research has suggested that pets can offer people health benefits, a new study from Finland finds that pet owners tend to be heavier, less active and in poorer health than those without a pet.
纽约--尽管研究表明,宠物对人们的健康有利,但是芬兰的一项新的研究发现,宠物饲养者更会发胖,更不积极,并且比那些没有宠物的人的健康状况来得差. |
NEW YORK - Women make only 80 percent of the salaries their male peers do one year after college; after 10 years in the work force, the gap between their pay widens further, according to a study released Monday.
纽约----女性在大学毕业后一年工资仅为男性的80%,十年后,他们之间的工资差距将会更大,根据周一公布的调查。 |
NEW YORK - Women who have particularly low levels of the hormone DHEA during menopause may be more likely to have sexual dysfunction, a new study suggests.
纽约—最新研究提示,脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)水平明显降低的更年期女性更容易发生性功能障碍。 |
NEW YORK -- All season long, the Yankees have waited to put their best lineup out there.
经过了整个球季,洋基队终于在今天的先发打序中排出了完整的阵容。 |
NEW YORK -- Andy Pettitte has filled different roles all year for the Yankees, serving as a veteran presence, leader, clubhouse confidant, even an emergency relief pitcher on two occasions.
纽约讯--小派在洋基整年度担任了不同的角色,从老鸟、领导者、洋基密友、甚至是两次充当紧急中继投手。在星期四,洋基所要求的是确保持续前进。小派感激,八局强投先发让洋基以七比一拿下对响尾蛇的胜利。 |
NEW YORK -- Andy Pettitte's sleep is sure to be elusive on Friday, the left-hander said, as he'd lie awake and rue a lapse in judgment to the frailest of Mets batters.
纽约讯—派提在周五的夜晚必定难以入睡,正如他自己所言会思考在比赛中自己犯下的错误。 |