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Accordingly, mechanisms of pathogen recognition as well as self/non-self discrimination have evolved.

Accordingly, it is an impossible legal feat (or regulatory dream) to prohibit those persons from continuing to be identified as or recognized as doctorsor doctors of traditional Chinese medicinein the eyes of the general public, and especially so by those 因此,去禁止那些仍然在广大民众眼中被认为是“医生”或“中医生”的人,尤其是去禁止那些多年来致力于中医事业的人来说,是一个不可行的法律手段﹙或管制梦想﹚。
Accordingly, it is fair to say that the Zen Section emerged from the Tiantai Section. 宋代,禅宗的延寿极力主张性相融合。
Accordingly, it results in diversified issues such as tax dodging, tax evasion of the tax-payer, moral hazard, adverse choiceand rent-seeking inside the department of imposition. 由于信息不对称的存在,引发了诸如纳税人的偷税、逃税、税务机关内部的“道德风险”,“逆向选择”以及寻租等诸多问题。
Accordingly, liquor tasting training should combine with production and marketing closely to train more professional and practical technicians. 因此,白酒评委的培训考核应与生产和消费市场紧密结合,培养传承创新实用型的技术人才。
Accordingly, many have suggested that the particles that make up dark matter interact with one another like molecules in a gas, generating a pressure that counterbalances the force of gravity. 因此许多天文学家认为,应该是组成暗物质的粒子与其他的粒子(例如气体中的分子)发生交互作用,产生的压力抵消重力所致。
Accordingly, mechanisms of pathogen recognition as well as self/non-self discrimination have evolved. 因此,病原体辨识机制和自我/非自我的辨别能力便是依此演化出来。
Accordingly, modern Korean rice varieties have shorter and stiffer culm characters. 结果,现代韩国水稻品种具有禾茎短硬的特点。
Accordingly, no liability has been recorded in the financial statements. 相应的,财务报告上也不记录为负债。
Accordingly, strikes occurring at a Distributor's operations should not relieve the Distributor from its offtake obligations to the Company. 因此,在经销商处发生的罢工不得解除其对项目公司负有的购买义务。
Accordingly, such problems as single power source and multi-power resources network planning, path connection nodes and path wire section are resolved. 解决了单电源和多电源网络规划、线路交叉点及线路导线截面选择等问题。
Accordingly, the Silk Road became an important communication route between different parts of the Mongol Empire. 丝绸之路于是成为蒙古帝国各部落间重要的交通线路。

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