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Method: A 56-year-old woman with median and ulnar nerve injuries from blunt trauma received neurorhaphy and neurolysis of the injured nerves.

Method of vibration displacement measured with acceleration sensor is introduced. 摘要介绍了一种用加速度传感器测量振动位移信号的方法。
Method to assess and characterize the critical parameters in the functionality of an equipment or process. 评估和确定设备或工艺的功能性临界参数的方法。
Method to evaluate pile capacity precisely by using the coefficient of cleaning slime and coefficient of construction process and by controlling the total duration of construction is proposed herein after analyzing the influences of slime at pile bottom, 本文通过分析桩底沉渣、桩侧泥皮厚度、孔壁形状、成桩时间及施工工艺等对大口径灌注桩承载力的影响,提出了在桩承载力计算中引入清底系数及成桩工艺系数,并控制成桩总时间以较准确地评价单桩承载力的方法。
Method : Double click the New Words file after download it and the installation will set up automatically. 方法:下载新字后对档案双击左键执行新字扩充,新字就会自动汇入您辞典中。
Method: 115 ears with secretory otitis media were treated by insertion and tympanostomy. 方法:应用鼓膜切开置管术治疗分泌性中耳炎115耳,术后随访其并发症。
Method: A 56-year-old woman with median and ulnar nerve injuries from blunt trauma received neurorhaphy and neurolysis of the injured nerves. 本篇病历报告的目的是探讨以神经松动术技巧,合并其他物理治疗,针对周边神经受伤之后的疗效。
Method: A static headspace GC-MS method was used to detect sulfur in the fumatory Radix Bupleuri, the authentic samples free of sulfur was detected as reference. 方法:运用静态顶空毛细管气相色谱-质谱联用技术进行检测市售柴胡是否经硫黄熏蒸,并从产地采集未经硫黄熏蒸的柴胡作为阴性对照药材与市售柴胡进行比较。
Method: Chosen 136 patients of hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid, divided them randomly into two groups. 68 patients in treating group was pushed into anus by Sheng Ji Zhi Tong plug; 68 patients in control group was pushed into anus by Xi Bi Tai plug. 方法:选择并合诊断的内痔及混合痔患者136例,采用随机分组方法分为两组,治疗组68例运用生肌止痛栓纳肛治疗;对照组68例运用洗必泰栓纳肛治疗。
Method: Clinic result of 56 cases were analysed, which including the operation indication, the therapeutic mechanism and operative benefit. 方法:对56例病人进行回顾性观察,分析手术指针、治疗机理及优点。
Method: Dividing 90 Kunming mice to 3 groups, observing the index of weight loading swimming test, bearing hypoxia at normal pressure, activity of lactic dehydrogenase. 方法:90只雄性昆明种小鼠分为3组,观察艾灸后小鼠的负重游泳试验、常压耐缺氧时间、乳酸脱氢酶活力等指标。
Method: Gastrodia data Blume and Ramulus Uncaria Cum Uncis were differentiated by thin layer chromatography (TLC). 方法:用薄层色谱法对天麻、钩藤进行鉴别。

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