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It wasn't just adults who were jolted by the explosion. Children taking their midday naps were rudely awoken by the explosion, which showered their beds with broken glass.

It wasn't bright of you to offend him. 去冒犯他,你可不精明。
It wasn't brisk, cooler heads didn't always prevail and it certainly wasn't pretty, but the Yankees were willing to swap their sweat-soaked shirts, caps and manager for a victory, pounding out a 9-5 decision over the Red Sox. 这不是凉快的夜晚,往头顶浇冷水总是不流行,而且这并不漂亮,但是洋基队乐意让汗水溼透衬衫、投手和总教练都被驱逐出场换来胜利,终场以9-5打败红袜队。
It wasn't easy scratching out a living in those hard time. 在那段艰难的日子里,糊口是很不容易的。
It wasn't hard to convince us, considering it was midnight and we were two very tired cyclists/would-be adventurers. 要我们相信自己的猜测很容易,因为已经是深夜时分了,而我们这两个自行车运动爱好者(准探险爱好者)此刻已经十分疲倦了。
It wasn't inevitable unless we are pigs. 这并非是不可避免的,除非我们是猪。
It wasn't just adults who were jolted by the explosion. Children taking their midday naps were rudely awoken by the explosion, which showered their beds with broken glass. 不只是大人﹐正在熟睡中的小孩﹐在轰然巨响下惊醒﹐简直是用爬的爬出去﹐这掉落床上的玻璃﹐更是差点要人命。
It wasn't long after that when I ran across an unfamiliar lump under my arm. 过了不长时间,我偶然发现我的胳膊下面有个异常的肿块。
It wasn't long before everyone wanted a James Bond vehicle - those who couldn't afford out for the life-sized version could shell out for a Corgi model for the mantlepiece. 许多人都梦想拥有詹姆斯·邦德驾驶的汽车。现在,那些没钱买到实物大小的邦德汽车的人不妨购买邦德汽车的模型。
It wasn't long before the brave little rabbits found the crocodiles lying asleep under a grove of spindly trees. 没多久,勇敢的小兔们就找到了鳄鱼,他们正躺在又细又高的树底下睡觉。
It wasn't long before the firemen arrived. 没过多久消防队员就到达了。
It wasn't my driving at all . I looked over on the other side , and there was just two or three inches between the Chevvy and a Buick . 这不是我开车的问题。我小心地看着另一边,在雪韦和别克车中间只有两三英寸的距离。”

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