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Thus, Damon didn't lose his ever-present grin when he saw the lineup card and the letters DHbehind his name.

Thus, inverse manufacturingis seen to be a revolutionary process whose emphasis is placed on reusability rather than on recycling itself. 制造业如果以循环型企业为目标必须求助于逆向制造。
Thus, Arthur was probably born between 1946 and 1951. 这样,亚瑟可能出生在1946与1951年之间。
Thus, Cable Science Network, or CSN, is in the offing. 因此「有线科学电视网」(CSN)即将诞生。
Thus, China's network flows appear high , factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value. 因此中国的网络流量看似很大,其实大部分都是垃圾流量,没有商用价值。
Thus, China's telecom industry can develop further. 这样,才能促进我国电信业的进一步发展。
Thus, Damon didn't lose his ever-present grin when he saw the lineup card and the letters DHbehind his name. 如此,大门当他看到先发卡上面在他的名字后面写著指定打击,他龇牙咧嘴的笑著。
Thus, Doha's demise would almost certainly spell a surge in WTO litigation, putting the multilateral system under enormous strain. 因此,多哈的失败几乎肯定意味着WTO忪案的剧增,致使多边体系非常紧张。
Thus, Dongpo Su Gong Tie is without doubt the finest extant example of Su Shi's calligraphy and is of inestimable value for studying his opus and the history of the study of rubbings. 因此,东坡苏公帖碑无论在保存东坡书迹方面,还是于苏轼诗赋校勘研究方面,都具有重要的价值,也是帖学研究中应该关注的重要对象。
Thus, Europe and Africa move further east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart, during the slide northward. 从而,欧洲和非洲会进一步向东移动,这允许大西洋在向北的滑行中被撕裂。
Thus, Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte prevent the formation of superficial thrombi, promote their absorption, counteract local inflammatory processes and accelerate the absorption of haematomas and the reduction of swelling. 因此,喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能预防浅表血栓的形成,促进它们的吸收,阻碍局部炎症的发展,加速血肿的吸收和具有消肿作用。
Thus, I am withdrawing and terminating my offer to give the rights to this film to the Nanking Museum. That offer is null and void. 因此,我撤销并终止向贵馆提供我的电影的相关权利.我的提议已经完全作废.

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