An oracle would know in advance what the man will offer and when the exchange will end, but you don't.
神仙可以预知钞票的排列顺序,也知道兑换人何时会结束交易,你就没这本事。 |
An oracle: The word of the LORD to Israel through Malachi.
1耶和华借玛拉基传给以色列的默示。 |
An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise.
只有口头协议是不够的;我们必须有一个书面承诺。 |
An oral and maxillofacial surgeon can then remove the broken needle under general anesthesia.
建议在全身麻醉的状况下,去除不利手术的环境因素,方便医师以手术方式取出断裂针头。 |
An orange crab taken from the waters near the Marshall Islands?Rongelap Atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat.
图为一只在马尔绍群岛附近的水域中捕获的橙色螃蟹。朗格拉普环礁并无公开的证据表明这里存在污染生态环境的放射性化合物。 |
An orange is easily pulled apart into its segments.
我们可以很容易地把桔子剥成一瓣一瓣的。 |
An orange woolen jacket with vermilion stripes, flaring vents[2] and sleeves makes a romantic look.
夹带朱红色条纹的橙色羊毛夹克衫,花哨的上衣下部和袖子营造出浪漫的效果。 |
An orchestra usually plays classical music.
管弦乐队通常演奏古典音乐。 |
An order consists of 8 to 13 items which are club heads with various loft numbers and the logo of the customer placing the order.
顾客每次下订单时是8-13个项目..是以一组来订购的吗?(高尔夫球杆一组约8-13支)...能否一个订单上只有3个或4个项目? |
An order form is enclosed for your convenience, along with a stamped addressed envelope.
附上订单和地址已填、邮票贴足的信封。 |
An order form is enclosed. Fill it out and attach your check.
随函附上订单一张,请填妥后并附来支票为荷。 |