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Around it, a white dove flies forever circling.

Around her, couples stroll hand-in-hand, families push strollers, different languages float by, and people dine alfresco. 在她四周,情侣手牵手漫步,一家人推著儿童推车,不时传来不同的语言,还有许多人在野餐。
Around here apple trees began to be planted extensively in1953. 1953年这一带开始大规模种植苹果树。
Around him lay knapsack and jacket, an empty catch-net, his bicycle, and two tins of worms dug from the plot of garden at home before setting out. 他周围放着背包、夹克、一个空捕鱼网、他的自行车和出发前在家里花园里挖出的两听虫子。
Around in circles you go, no progress again today and only those who play the game the best will collect the bigger paychecks - but even they can't outlast this game of roulette can they? 你到周围转转,今天再没有进展,只有那些游戏最好将收集越大支票--但即使他们不能永此轮盘游戏可以吗?
Around it the taiga was flattened, with the broken trees pointing outward from the middle like the sticks in a game of spillikins. 在此区域周围的针叶林带已经被夷为平地,折断的树木指向背离中心方向,如同抽杆游戏中的小棒。
Around it, a white dove flies forever circling. 一只洁白的鸽子围绕着她飞翔,永不停歇。
Around mid-august we'll start doing some more screens. 新的内容估计8月分才会有,到时候会有一些游戏截图等。
Around midnight the gar?on arrives with beer and sandwiches – caviar sandwiches. 到了午夜前后,侍者送来了啤酒和三明治—鱼子酱三明治。
Around noon Fred found a shady spot under a tree; he stretched out next to the trunk and fell asleep. 正午时分,弗雷德在一棵树下找到一块阴凉处,然后就在树旁躺下伸开四肢睡着了.
Around the World War II they were equipped with an eraser. 直到被广泛运用于日常生活当中,削铅笔机已经变得比较小并且便于制作了。
Around the age of 8, however, children typically become enviably optimistic and delightfully confident and trusting of both themselves and others. 但是,在约8岁时,孩子通常变得令人企羡地乐观,令人高兴地自信,并且信任自己和他人。

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