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Based on SWMM (Storm Water Management Model), a typical urban region is selected to calculate the status under the design storms with different frequencies in the region, such as drainage effect and water-logging, overland flow on road etc., and simultane

Based on Method to Manage Bidding for highway projects issued by the ministry of Communications, which was revised recently, the paper has Introduced the revision background, the mentality, carried on the analysis to the revision content, and analyzed in 摘要根据交通部最近修订的《公路工程施工招标投标管理办法》,介绍了修订的背景、思路,对修订内容进行了分析;并重点分析了新办法中极力推行的新的评标方法―合理低价法。
Based on Michel Foucault's theory about the inseparability of space and power, this paper holds that whether in terms of social and cultural customs or in terms of children's literature texts, in the British families, the parents' especially the father's 摘要基于米歇尔?福柯关于空间与权力不可分割的理论,本论文认为无论就社会文化习俗还是就儿童文学文本而言,在英国家庭中家长尤其是父亲对于儿童的权力控制是一个客观的空间政治现实。
Based on Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Thermistor and ADμC847,designing a fine temperature measurement system. 以负温度系数热敏电阻(NTC)和ADμC847为核心器件,研制并设计出一套精密的温度检测系统。
Based on Prandtl's momentum transportation, this paper calculates in detail the physical quantities such as eddy viscosities, and ratio of eddy viscosity to motion viscosity, total stresses with respect to relative position in three regions of viscous sub 摘要以普兰德动量传递理论为基础,按照卡门的三层模型,通过室内模拟环道用0号柴油及加入减阻剂在圆管内的流动参数的测定,计算了非牛顿型流体管内湍流边界层的层流内层、过渡层、湍流中心的涡流粘度,涡流粘度与运动粘度比、总应力随相对位置的变化等定量参数,探讨了高分子减阻剂对非牛顿流体流动特性的影响,对湍流减阻现象的机理与增大减阻率的条件进行了定量分析。
Based on SCM ECG monitoring system,this system uses AT89C51 and erase duplication of CF card and set ECG signal acquisition and storage system integration.It has early warning function with a simple ECG,and upload function to store data for professional d 基于单片机的心电监测系统,使用AT89C51单片机和可重复擦写的CF卡,集心电图信号采集与存储系统与一体,具有简单的心电图预警功能,同时具备存储数据上传功能以便专业医生使用。
Based on SWMM (Storm Water Management Model), a typical urban region is selected to calculate the status under the design storms with different frequencies in the region, such as drainage effect and water-logging, overland flow on road etc., and simultane 摘要以SWMM为基础,选取北京市典型小区,计算不同频率设计暴雨下小区排水效果以及积水、道路坡面流等情况,同时进行不同情景下的暴雨洪水模拟并评价其影响,包括改凸式绿地为平式和凹式、设置蓄洪区等。
Based on SWOT analysis method, National traditional sports development comprehensively has its strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and threats. 摘要SWOT分析表明民族传统体育发展优势与劣势并存、机遇和威胁同在。
Based on Su and Li (2004), this article provides a positive study aiming at enquiring into the relationship between sustainability of Chinese public family firms and corporate governance. 该文在苏琦、李新春(2004)研究的基础上进行了一项实证研究,考察了我国上市家族企业可持续性与治理结构之间的关系。
Based on Survey of Family Income and Expenditures, 1980-94, this paper focuses on the factors that caused the increase in single-mother families in Taiwan. 摘要本篇文章利用1980-94年的「家庭收支调查」来分析台湾女性单亲家庭的成长因素。
Based on Suzhou embroidery, the representative of Chinese embroidery, and taking Master Ren Huixian's embroidery art as the core, the company aims to deepen the cultural significance of the embroidery art and create a flourishing situation for the further 公司以弘扬中国刺绣艺术文化为宗旨,以中国刺绣优秀代表——苏绣为依托,任嘒閒大师刺绣艺术为核心,通过与中国四大名绣之间的相互学习和交流,不断地丰富和繁华刺绣文化内涵,并悉心培养刺绣艺术接班人,使精湛的中国刺绣艺术代代相传。
Based on TAFE vocational education experience in Australia and social needs, we make basic idea of teaching reform schedule and break single and close training mode to train comprehensive and complex talents and explore a new talents training mode and col 摘要借鉴澳大利亚的TAFE职业教育的经验,以社会需求为依据,确定了专业教学改革的基本思路,打破了单一的、封闭的人才培养模式,培养综合型、复合型人才,探索高职教育的人才培养模式和办学特色。

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