College-age athletes who can earn millions if they drop ort of school and play professional sports are well aware that their opportunity cost of college is very high.
如果离开学校从事职业运动可能赚取百万元的大学生运动员,很清梦他们读大学的机会成本非常高。 |
College. Ability to listen and sensitivity to the needs of students.
有五年在中学进行英语教学的工作经验,加上在广州师范学院专攻英语教学的学历背景。能倾听学生意见,对学生的需求敏感。 |
Colleges and universities should strengthen their building of student cadre corps in an open, energetic, directional and motivating manner by using systems theories and starting from an holistic, level-oriented, purposeful and dynamic view so as to provid
运用系统论理论指导,从系统的整体性、层次性、目的性和动态性出发,高校应该按照开放性、能级性、方向性和激励性等基本原则加强学生干部队伍建设,为新世纪高校学生工作的创新发展提供切实保证。 |
Colleges should have a profound comprehension of the content and nature of the scientific development concept, keeping on cultivating college students under the guidance of the scientific development concept.
高校要深刻领悟科学发展观的内涵和实质,坚持以科学发展观来指导和促进大学生成才的各项工作。 |
Colleges should keep close to practice and focus on solving actual problems during the advance education activities.
摘要高等学校开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动要紧密联系实际,在解决实际问题上下功夫。 |
Colleges today emphasize vocational training instead of education in the humanities.
今天的大学强调的是职业教育,而不是人文教育。 |
Collegial law education is of great meaning in promoting our country's law construction.
摘要高校法制教育对于促进我国的法治化建设具有重要意义。 |
Collegues gazing at him,he lowered his head ,rea in face.He picked up piece of paper,pretending to read paper to cover his face with it.
在同事们的注视下,他神情尴尬,满脸通红,低下了头。他随手拿起一张报纸,假装看报,用它遮住了脸。 |
Collenchyma A specialized type of parenchyma, usually located just beneath the epidermis, that functions as supporting tissue.
厚角组织:一种特殊类型的薄壁组织,通常位于表皮的下方,起支持作用。 |
Collenchyma is the first strengthening tissue to be formed in young plants and is able to expand as the yound tissues continue development.
厚角组织的有较强的机械强度,并且能够随着周围细胞的延伸而扩展。 |
Colliding black holes, collapsing stars, and spinning compact celestial objects such as pulsars create ripples in the fabric of space and time that subtly distort the world around us.
黑洞碰撞、恒星坍缩以及自旋脉冲星所激起的时空结构波动,微妙的扭曲了我们周围的世界。 |