The leftistmistakes of the Hunan peasant movement resulted in damage to the revolutionary cause, triggered off anti-revolutionary revolts in Hunan and Hubei provinces, and thereby accelerated the splitting apart of the cooperation between the CCP and the
湖南农民运动“左”的错误,给革命全局造成了极其不良的影响,激起了两湖地区的反革命叛乱,从而加速了国共合作的破裂。 |
The length of track calculationsection of the dialog allows you to choose the length of the displayed ground track; you can either display a track for a single orbit of the object, or you can manually enter the length of the track, and the interval at whi
“轨道计算的长度”用于选择需要显示的地面轨迹的长度;你可以选择绕地一周的地面轨迹,也可以通过输入相应的轨道长度来显示在一个时间段内的轨道地面轨迹。 |
The love banditwas only taking what was waiting to be taken, what wanted to be taken.
这位“爱匪”不过是取走等人取走、盼人取走的东西。 |
The mailiI said is an adjective.
韩佳:我刚才说的“卖力”是个形容词。 |
The memoryof institutions overriding or taking precedence over human memory.
机构的记忆高于或优先于人类的记忆。 |
The mens et manusmotto of MIT is extended to mens et manus et corpusthrough attention to strengthening the body while developing the mind.
麻省理工学院的座右铭“手脑并用”亦透过培养心智能力的同时,增强对体魄的注意力,进而延申为“手、脑与全身动起来”。 |
The milk miraclecame days after thousands of people in the financial hub of Mumbai drank water from a murky Arabian Sea creek as they thought it had miraculously turned sweet and could cure illnesses.
在“神像喝奶奇迹”发生数天之前,印度金融中心孟买有成千上万人去喝阿拉伯海的一条支流里的浑水,他们认为这条支流的水奇迹般地变甜了,喝了可以治病。 |
The necessarywas a flushing toilet similar to the ones used 3000 years before by the king of Crete.
这个「必需品」就是冲水式马桶,与三千年前克里特国王所使用的类似。 |
The normal formof reductionism eliminated the complexity of the nature, as the result of this, led to the emergence of anthropocentrism, and eventually destroyed the stability of the nature.
摘要“还原论范式-自然的复杂性的祛魅-自然的稳定性的破碎与人类中心主义的产生”,这就是还原论范式与生态恶化的发生学进路与逻辑学关联。 |
The not exceeding the expectationtype, if maintaining the same trend, will become saturated growth typeand stagnant growth type.
未达预期增长类型之乡镇,若长期维持相同情势,则将成为渐趋饱和增长,或增长停滞两种人口变动类型。 |
The one to onemethod of support vector machines was used in the research on classifying surrounding rocks.
摘要采用支持向量机“一对一”分类方法,研究了回采巷道围岩分类问题。 |