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Analysts reckon it is booking all the revenues from the sale of each handset up front, even though the cash is to be received in instalments over up to two years.

Analysts now value it at no more than $8 billion, though Daimler may be fortunate to get anything close to that for a business that some experts think is destined, sooner or later, for bankruptcy, along with Detroit's other giant car manufacturers, Ford a 虽然专家们认为这笔交易,像底特律的其它汽车巨头福特和通用曾经那样,注定了迟早要以破产告终,但戴姆勒还是很幸运的从这笔交易中捞到了与其损失额度差不多的收益。
Analysts often raise questions about the full financial disclosure even of those businesses that are quoted and audited. 哪怕是上市公司和经审计的公司,分析师也常对它们的全面财务信息的披露状况提出疑问。
Analysts point out that UAVs fly relatively slowly and are vulnerable to being shot down. 分析家指出,无人机飞行速度较慢,很容易被击落。
Analysts predict that Carlyle could be successful in expanding Xugong's business overseas, but could struggle to restructure a company with a legacy of government control. 分析师预测,凯雷将徐工的业务扩展至海外的行动可能会取得成功,但重组这家有着政府控制传统的企业可能会遇到困难。
Analysts predict the efficiency of logistics will be raised by 20 percent after the port is put into operation. 分析家预计该港正式投入运行后将使物流效率提高20%。
Analysts reckon it is booking all the revenues from the sale of each handset up front, even though the cash is to be received in instalments over up to two years. 分析师认为,软银这样做是把所有的利润都寄托在售出的每部手机上,虽然这些利润的实际收益要通过分期的方式在未来两年里获取。
Analysts said Beijing would probably not place too many restrictio on the use of foreign currency to buy B shares. 分析员表示北京当局多不会对用外币购买B股一事设置太多限制。
Analysts said Beijing would probably not place too many restrictions on the use of foreign currency to buy B shares. 分析员表示北京当局多不会对用外币购买B股一事设置太多限制。
Analysts said Chinese banks were also reluctant to join forces with a Japanese partner because of the two countries' difficult past - especially when there was a long list of alternative, non-Japanese partners. 分析师说,中国的银行也不愿与日方建立合作伙伴关系,因为两国有着不堪回首的过去,尤其是中方面对一长串非日本的合作伙伴名单时。
Analysts said Chinese telecom companies had large capital expenditure demands and still had to account for 3G, raising the prospect that investors such as SKT would be tapped for further funds. 分析人士称,中国电信企业的资本支出需求很大,而且还要考虑3G问题,这加大了中国企业进一步向类似SKT等投资者筹资的可能性。
Analysts said Mr Pickerell's reputation might help Morgan Stanley to attract top Asian fund management talent. 分析人士表示,裴布雷的个人声望也许有助于摩根士丹利吸引亚洲顶级的基金管理人才。

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