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Kindness is the noblest weapon to conquer with.

Kindness is one of her attributes. 仁慈是她的特性之一。
Kindness is one of his characteristic. 和善是他的特性之一.
Kindness is one of his characteristics. 和善是他的特性之一。
Kindness is one of my grandpa's characteristics. 和善是爷爷的特性之一。
Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand. 善良为语言,聋子能天见哑巴懂心间。
Kindness is the noblest weapon to conquer with. 仁慈乃征服人的最高武器。
Kindness will creep where it may not go. 仁慈可进入任何禁地。
Kindnesses,like grain,increase by sowing. 友情像农作物,越种就越多。
Kinds of flotation collectors modified with fatty acid using oleic oil and rosin acid as raw materials were introduced. 摘要介绍了几种脂肪酸类矿物捕收剂改性产物,它们分别以油酸和松香酸作为出发原料。
Kinematic parameters of different types of pumping units, including the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the polished rod and the torque factor can be calculated easily and accurately by using this method. 为此,根据几何关系和运动特点,建立了运动学模型,提出了异形游梁式抽油机运动参数的求解方法。
Kinen Company will continue its efforts in making market more standard and perfect and improving its after-sale service, applying its mind to every detail and pursuing for pre-eminence constantly in order to march forward with consumers and distributors h 金恩公司将不断规范完善市场及售后服务,用心做好每一个细节并且不断追求卓越,让广大的消费者、经销商一起携手向前,共创三赢。

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