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Blind as a bat? Hardly. To detect prey and other objects, some bats use a sight-free radar system called echolocation. But all bats can see. See?

Blessings by themselves are not enough. They must come from within. Without your own effort, it is impossible for them to come. 外在的祝福必须伴随内在的力量,缺乏自身的努力,幸福将不会降临。
Blight A plant disease in which serious leaf damage appears suddenly. 枯萎病:可以导致叶片受到严重伤害的植物疾病。
Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. 26你这瞎眼的法利赛人,先洗净杯盘的里面,好叫外面也干净了。
Blind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and the dish so that their outside also may become clean. 26瞎眼的法利赛人,你先洁净杯盘的里面,好叫外面也干净了。
Blind a shoaling fish such as a herring and it can still follow its mates. 通过每个细胞感受到的水流刺激的时间差,鱼的大脑就能够重建出水流波动的肇始者的图像。
Blind as a bat? Hardly. To detect prey and other objects, some bats use a sight-free radar system called echolocation. But all bats can see. See? 像蝙蝠一样看不见吗?才不是呢。为了探测猎物和其它物体的方位,有些蝙蝠用一种叫作回声定位的雷达系统,无需视力,但所有蝙蝠都看得见。你明白了吗?
Blind duration reduced to 8 seconds, cooldown reduced to 1 minute, Blinding Powder is no longer required to use. 剑刃乱舞:剑刃乱舞发动时,若主要目标因减免伤害增益而没有损血,第二个目标不会被减免伤害影响,会受到正常伤害。
Blind eyesight; visible wavelength are logically flawed arrangement; it should be “blind people”, “visible radiation” instead. 即光是可见的,但波长是不可见的;可以说人是瞎子,但不可以说视力是瞎的。
Blind guides, who strain out the gnat but swallow the camel! 24瞎眼领路的,蠓虫你们就滤出来,骆驼你们倒吞下去。
Blind hinges don't stick into doorframe and case body so that the doors can be easily installed and changed. Doors can be opened to 130°, even 180°when changing hinges. 暗铰链既不突入门框内也不突入箱体内,门容易安装及更换,门开至130°,更换铰链可开至180°。
Blind men can judge no colours. 盲者不辨色。

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