Remember what the Lord your God did to Miriam on the way as you came out of Egypt.
申24:9当记念出埃及后、在路上耶和华你神向米利暗所行的事。 |
Remodeling old villagesis a process stimulated by the land expansion policy in urbanization.
摘要旧村改造是城市化土地扩张的政策推进过程。 |
Remorseless Attacks(Assassination): Hemorrhageadded to the buff tooltip. This ability will no longer trigger from killing totems.
冷酷(刺杀):出血加入到了天赋说明。摧毁图腾后,这个技能不会再起作用。 |
Remove Your plague from me; Because of the opposition of Your hand I am perishing.
诗39:10求你把你的责罚从我身上免去.因你手的责打、我便消灭。 |
Repetition has taken them beyond cliche,Humphrys writes. They have become zombified words whose meaning is no longer the point.
汉佛莱斯写道:“重复使这些词变得更甚于陈词滥调。它们变得毫无生气,也不再具有它们本来的含义。 |
Report back to me in an hour, sergeant.Yes, sir.
一小时后向我报告,中士。是的,阁下(长官)。 |
Report back to me in an hour, sergeant.Yes, sir.
一小时后向我报告,中士。是的,长官。 |
Reputation First, Customers Foremostis the aim of our service.
信誉第一,顾客至上是我们的服务宗旨。 |
Requesting your permission to leave the ship, sir, and recon the interior of the base.
我想得到你的许可,离开飞船,长官,去侦察一下基地的内部. |
Research er, conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service has found er, about a two-week advancement in spring weather and ice melt.
加拿大野生动植物中心的研究者调查发现,这里春季和冰层消融提前了约2个星期。 |
Resident filings in China, so filings by Chinese in China increased over (the) 10 years to 2005 by 834%. That's a massive increase. And, in Republic of Korea, they increased by 100%, 106%.
世界知识产权组织副主席FrancisGurry指出,中国在2004年的专利申请资料增加了近33%,并跻身于世界排名第三。 |