The size of both utricle and saccule was mm× mm. The diameters of cochlear basement and duct were 8mm and .~.mm, respectively. The height of modiolus is mm. |
中文意思: 螺旋板及听神经为低信号,半规管直径为~mm,椭圆囊与球囊大小为mm× mm,蜗底直径为8mm,蜗轴高mm,蜗管直径为.~.mm,内听道直径为~mm。 |
The simulation study of the static test of composite aileron is carried out.
对复合材料副翼静力试验进行仿真研究. |
The single-dose group showed much less steroid toxicity(ie cushingsid changes ,hypertension,bulimia) than the divided-dose group.
临床研究表明,两组诱导缓解时间较为接近,诱导缓解时间单剂组为0.8± .d,分剂组为± .89d(P>0.0).但每日单剂组的柯兴氏征、高血压及食欲亢进等药物副作用明显低于每日分剂组。 |
The situation and Progress of nuclide migration studies
放射性核素迁移研究的现状与进展 |
The six treatment diets were as follows:0%AP90+0%DPS(Control),.% AP 90,.%DPS 0, .%DPS 0,.% AP 90+.%DPS 0,and % DPS 0.All diets were made equal in protein,lysine,lactose,and ME levels and were quite simiar in sodium concentration.
试验前 周分别在基础日粮中添加如下种成分 :0 %AP90(血浆蛋白粉) +0 %DPS(DriedPorcineSaluble ,肠膜蛋白粉)(对照)、. %AP90、. %DPS0、 . %DPS0、. %AP90 +. %DPS0和 %DPS 0 ; |
The size of ·nm, ·nm, ·0nm, 0· nm or 0·00nm spheric or fibrillar α-or γ-AlO can be obtained by the thermal treatment of 70℃/ h、 800℃/h、 900℃/h、 90℃/h and 000℃/h , respectively.
在70℃/ h、800℃/h、900℃/h、 90℃/h和000℃/h随炉冷却工艺条件下,分别得到粒径为 -nm、-0nm、0-nm和0-00nm的纤维状或球状、α相或γ相的纳米氧化铝粒子。 |
The size of both utricle and saccule was mm× mm. The diameters of cochlear basement and duct were 8mm and .~.mm, respectively. The height of modiolus is mm.
螺旋板及听神经为低信号,半规管直径为~mm,椭圆囊与球囊大小为mm× mm,蜗底直径为8mm,蜗轴高mm,蜗管直径为.~.mm,内听道直径为~mm。 |
The size of thrombi ranged from 7mm X mm to mm X 7mm.
栓 例Q个人血栓大小为 7 X mm~ X 7mm,形状以附壁二 |
The sizes of the cutaneous/musculocutaneous flaps ranged from cm× cm to cm× cm. The lengths of the fibula were(- cm,) of jejunum 9-0 cm.
其中皮瓣或肌皮瓣大小 cm× cm~ cm× cm,腓骨瓣长度~ cm,空肠瓣长度9~0 cm。 |
The skin biopsy specimens from 7 patients with chronic actinic dermatitis were estimated by DNA flow cytometry.
应用DNA流式细胞分析法检测7例慢性光化性皮炎的皮肤活检标本。 |
The smallest one was about .0×.7cm~ and the biggest one was about .0×.0cm~. The ultrasonographic appearance was characterized by hyperechoic, meshed, clearly and sharp marginated nodule.
病灶最小的约.0×.7cm~,最大的约 .0×.0cm~。 |
The sober minded rate in treated group was 8%,in controlled group it was %(χ =.8,P<0.0),but there was no significant defference in mortality between them(χ =0.9,P>0.).
治疗组 d清醒率 8% ,对照组 % ,差异有显著性 ,( χ = . 8,P <0 .0 ) ,病死率差异无显著性。 |