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Why should you always like to rib others?

Why should we labour for the boss when he gives us no reward? 老板不给我们报酬,我们干吗要为他努力干活呢?
Why should we learn English well? 我们为什么要学好英语?
Why should we suffer like this? 为什么我们得这样受苦?
Why should we? What I anticipate is just the opposite: an age of clandestineness, half voluntary and half obligatory, which will shelter the new born desire, notably in politics. 为什麽我们要认罪?我所预期的刚好相反:这是个秘密的时代,一半是自动,一半是被迫,这样新诞生的欲望、特别是政治方面,才能受到保护。
Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. 5你们为什么屡次悖逆,还要受责打吗。你们已经满头疼痛,全心发昏。
Why should you always like to rib others? 你为什么总拿别人开心?
Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. 5你们为什么屡次悖逆,还要受责打吗?你们已经满头疼痛,全心发昏。
Why should you be so impolite? 你为什么这样不客气?
Why should you fly into such a rage at a small thing like this? 你为什么要为这么点的小事而如此地大动肝火呢?
Why should you listen to him? 你没有必要听他的!
Why should you suspect her? She is not your sort, who is always doing things on the sly. 干吗怀疑她?她可不是你那号人,办事总是偷偷摸摸的。

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