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While quality is subjective and a definition elusive.

While programming, you will need to come up with names for many different things that you create. These names are sometimes called variables or identifiers. 编程的时候,你需要为创建一些不同的事物起一个名字。这些名字通常叫做变量或者标识。
While promoting the development of financial work, mixed work also promotes the change of financial monitor system in various countries. 混业经营在促进金融业发展的同时,也促使各国进行金融监管体制的变革。
While proponents of the system tout its ability to save lives at constructions sites, aboard trains or in hospital operating theaters, others fear the system might pose a new hazard. 虽然该系统的创造人对这个系统在建筑物,火车轮船或者医院手术室等方面的救生能力,其他人担心这个系统可能带来新的危险。
While proposing that game gives a way to get friendship and relaxation, we should not lose sight of the fact that one team player considered wining a game is more important than keeping friendship between comrades, which results in friendship collapse. (例子)尽管我认为游戏提供了一种联结友谊与放松的途径,但是我常看到一段友谊的破裂是因为一个选手认为赢得游戏远比同志情谊重要。
While pumping the gas, we clapped our hands and jumped around to stay warm. I still don't get it. 在给汽车加油的时候,我们俩搓着手,蹦过来跳过去地取暖。
While quality is subjective and a definition elusive. 当质量是一个主观的,难懂的定义。
While quantum mechanics describes the world of the very small, it also is needed to explain certain macroscopic quantum systemssuch as superconductors and superfluids. 虽然量子力学描述很小的世界,也需要用它来解释某种“肉眼可见的量子系统”例如超导和超流体。
While reading ,do not dictate to your author .Try to Become him . Be his Fellow-worker and accomplice. 在阅读时,不要指挥你的作者,要努力与他融为一体,同他一起写作、商讨。
While reading the first chapter of the first book (Dream of the Red Chamber), I was struck with how utterly clever and imaginative the story is. 当我开始阅读第一卷的第一回时,我就为这本书构造的奇巧和独具匠心而击节称赏了。
While reading the original text of the Analects, this course will compare different English translations and explore the difficulties involved in translating Chinese concepts into Western vocabulary. 在阅读《论语》的原文的同时,本课程会比较几种不同的英译文,考查翻译上所遇到的困难,又会介绍欧美汉学家对中国哲学史的一些最杰出的见解与阐释。
While reading, make a note of any page of special importance. 阅读时,任何有特别重要意义的那一页都要记下。

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