Billions of dollars' worth of counterfeit and substandard goods, from high-proof spirits to luxury handbags, are produced every year in China.
大陆每年生产价值数十亿美元的仿冒品和不合标准的商品,从烈酒到名牌包包都有。 |
Billions of stars twinkled in the sky.
无数星星在天空闪烁。 |
Billions of venture capital flooding into such new, untested concepts.
数十亿的风险资本流入这个新兴且未经实验的概念。 |
Billions of years ago the universe was too hot for life to exist.
数十亿年前,宇宙太热,不适合生命存在。 |
Billows of flame swept through the forest.
熊熊烈火席卷森林。 |
Billows of smoke were belching from the chimney.
巨浪似的烟正从烟囱里喷出来。 |
Bills are sold at a discount from par with the interest earned being the difference between the face value received at maturity and the price paid.
这债倦是以折扣价出售,折扣是到期时获得的面值与支付的价格的差价。 |
Bills are usually an ideal loan because a company generally will not run into any problems within 3 to 6 months.
汇票通常是最理想的贷款,因为公司一般在3到6个月的时间内出问题的几率很低。 |
Bills of exchange include banker's bills and commercial bills.
汇票分为银行汇票和商业汇票。 |
Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
帐单总是比支票寄来的速度快。 |
Bills with terms of 30 days to 90 days are the easiest to trade?
期限为30到90天的汇票最容易出手。 |