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A general term applied to all shares, debentures, notes, bills, government and semi-government bonds etc.

A general staff is a group of officers in a military who act in a staff or administrative role under the command of a general officer (sometimes termed a chief of staff). 参谋部是指由职业军官所组成的群体,在指挥官(有时为参谋长)手下担负行政管理或作战策划使命.
A general strike paralyzed the coal industry. 总罢工使煤矿工业陷于瘫痪。
A general structure of speech control for intelligent electrical system is presented, which includes an operation platform for both automatic speech recognition (ASR) and driver intention recognition (DIR) and the intelligent electrical/electronic system 摘要提出一种语音控制汽车智能电器系统的总体结构框架,包括语音识别和驾驶员意图识别的运算平台及汽车智能电器系统。
A general suretyship allows the surety to refuse to undertake suretyship liability towards the creditor before a dispute over the principal contract is tried or arbitrated and the obligations are not enforceable even after the debtor's assets have been se 一般保证的保证人在主合同纠纷未经审判或者仲裁,并就债务人财产依法强制执行仍不能履行债务前,对债权人可以拒绝承担保证责任。
A general survey of the formation, evolutionary histories of continental orogenic belts both in China and abroad reveals that orogenic belts have often undergone numerous and varied tectono-evolutionary stages, such as palaeocontinental break-up, ocean-la 纵观我国以至全球的大陆造山带形成、演化历史,一个造山带往往经历了古大陆裂解、洋陆转换、陆块拼合-碰撞、陆内伸展-盆山耦合和新构造隆升(陆内造山)等衆多不同的构造演化阶段,这些不同的构造演化阶段和不同的构造环境均有特定火山岩浆作用与之相伴。
A general term applied to all shares, debentures, notes, bills, government and semi-government bonds etc. 对股票、企业债券、单据、票据、政府债券等的总称。
A general term for any name below the rank of species. The term includes subspecific and infrasubspecific names. 一个普通术语,指称种级以下的任何名称。此术语涵盖亚种名称和亚种下的名称。
A general working schedule and a monthly plan shall be negotiated and agree upon by the Site Representatives of both Parties after the arrival of the Seller's technical personnel at the Job Site. 工作总进度和月工作计划应在卖方技术人员到达工作现场后由双方的现场代表协商一致拟定。
A general-purpose computer that communicates with the target via a serial port or network connection. 一台通用计算机,它通过串口或网络连接与目标机通讯。
A general-purpose computer that communicates with the target via a serial port or network onnection. 一台通用计算机,它通过串口或网络连接与目标机通讯。
A generalization of arithmetic in which symbols, usually letters of the alphabet, represent numbers or members of a specified set of numbers and are related by operations that hold for all numbers in the set. 代数学计算的普遍原理,其中通常为字母表中字母的符号,其代表数字或一组特定数字中的几个数字,它们通过对组中全部数字都适合的运算法则相联系

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