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Resistant to authority or discipline; recalcitrant.

Resistance to market opening is basically apower play by leaders of indust ry. 抵制开放市场基本上是工业领袖们的实力较量。
Resistance to splashes of seawater, fresh water, diesel oil, petrol, jet fuel, lubricating oil and related materials. 漆膜既耐海水、淡水和柴油,又耐汽油、燃油、润滑油及此类物质的喷溅污染。
Resistance to the disease depends largely on the availability of specific neutralizing antitoxin in the bloodstream and tissues. 对白喉的抵抗力主要靠血液和组织中特异抗毒素的中和作用。
Resistant starch is a new resource of dietary fiber. 摘要抗性淀粉是一种新型的膳食纤维资源。
Resistant strains are less likely to develop if a single dose or brief course of a β–lactam antibiotic is administered. 大多数常见的病原体为肠道细菌,如大肠杆菌和变形杆菌和假单胞菌。
Resistant to authority or discipline; recalcitrant. 难驯服的不屈服于权力或权威的;暴烈的
Resistant to damage by moths. 防虫蛀的抵抗蛾虫造成破坏的
Resistant to penetration by water but not entirely waterproof. 抗水的能抵抗水的渗透但不完全防水的
Resistant to salt water. Limited resistance to aromatic hydrocarbon including some types of gasoline. 耐海水,但对芳香烃物质(包括汽油类)耐度有限。
Resistant to sea water, mineral oils, chain hydrocarbon, corrosion and impact. 漆膜可耐海水、矿物油、链烃、腐蚀和碰撞。
Resistant to wear, impact, salt water and aliphatic hydrocarbons. 可耐磨损、碰撞,耐海水和脂肪烃类物质。

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