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Hippocampal place cells can process the environmental inputs and make up a cognitive map in the hippocampus,or strengthen the synaptic connections within an association cortical cell assembly,thus creating a permanent engram for a spatial site.

Highly Squint DBS Imaging 大斜视DBS成像
Highly optically pure sex pheromone of gypsy moth porthetria dispar (7R, 8S)-a was synthesized via asymmetric sharpless epoxidation of a divinylcarbinol (>99% e.e.) and the subsequent chemical transformations in an overall yield of .9%. 双乙烯基甲醇经过Sharpless不对称环氧化反应合成到高光学纯的午毒蛾Porthetria dispar性信息素(7R,8S)-a,对映体过量大于99%,总产率达 .9%。
Hilbert and CohnVossen posed the thread problem and had it related to the Heawood map color conjecture. Hilbert和Cohn Vossen提出过引线问题并将它与Heawood的地图着色猜想联系[].
Hill House,Los Angeles,USA 美国洛杉矶山地住宅
Hippie Style Costumes Research 嬉皮风格服饰研究
Hippocampal place cells can process the environmental inputs and make up a cognitive map in the hippocampus,or strengthen the synaptic connections within an association cortical cell assembly,thus creating a permanent engram for a spatial site. 海马位置细胞接收各种来源的空间信息后,可对这些信息进行加工处理,在海马内形成认知地图或加强联合皮层内细胞集群的突触联系以形成对空间位置的永久记忆。
His exposition of the guiding ideology,basic task and important guarantee of the ideological and political education in the new period is a mighty ideological weapon which guarantees the successful fulfillment of the socialist construction. 邓小平对新时期思想政治教育指导思想、根本任务、总体目标以及重要保证等方面的论述,是指导我们做好新时期的思想政治教育工作、保证我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设顺利进行的强大思想武器。
His fascial skins were arescent,dander and crack were found on eyes、nose and mouth. 面部皮肤干燥,眼、鼻、口周可见皮屑及裂纹。
His representative work, The Tree of Man was written in 9 which first secures his status in the Australian literature and wins him international acclaim. 他的代表作《人树》创作于9年,这部作品确立了怀特在澳洲文学界的地位,同时也为他赢得了国际声誉。
His scream,it is not that what someone thought is against his will and result that other utility purpose drive,but conscientious and true embodiment. 他的呐喊,并非有人认为的是违心和其他功利目的驱使的结果,而是自觉和真实的体现。
His staunch will of life is embodied in the three aspects of fear and hope, life and death, and spirit of patience and sacrifice, which proves to be the motive power of creation in William Faulkner’s whole life. 福克纳的坚强的生命意志体现于恐惧与希望、生与死、忍耐与牺牲精神三个方面,这三个方面证明坚强的生命意志是福克纳一生创作的动力。

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