The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart.
这个人说:“今年规模最大的一次汽车比赛快要开始了。所有参加比赛的驾驶员都准备竭尽全力地争取获胜,那怕担当一切风险,把汽车开得散了架子也在所不惜。” |
The biggest problem is a blood clot which is blocking the return of blood from the legs to the heart and exerting pressure on the kidneys,the physician explained .
“最大问题是有一块血液的凝结块堵塞了从他的腿流回心脏的血液,并且使得他肾的血压增加,”外科医生解释说。 |
The biggest story seems to be what's happened to the onshore infrastructure,he explained. Natural gas processing plants are flooded.
他说:“最大的损失可能是岸上的设施,天然气加工厂被洪水淹没,炼油厂也被淹没。 |
The biggest toads are usually females, but this one was a rampant male. … I would hate to meet his big sister.
最大的蟾蜍,通常女性但这一次是一男猖獗.::我不想满足他大姐. |
The bird has flown into the woods cheerfully.
小鸟高兴地飞进了树林。 |
The blessings of your father Have surpassed the blessings of my ancestors Up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills; May they be on the head of Joseph, And on the crown of the head of the one distinguished among his brothers.
创49:26你父亲所祝的福、胜过我祖先所祝的福、如永世的山岭、至极的边界、这些福必降在约瑟的头上、临列那与弟兄迥别之人的顶上。 |
The blood-clotting system contains both fluids and surfaces in an elaborate spatial environment, where localization of chemicals is very important,he said.
“凝血系统包含了精准的曲面和空间流体环境,化学物质的精准定位将是非常重要的”。 |
The blow of his battering rams he will direct against your walls, and with his axes he will break down your towers.
结26:9他必安设撞城锤攻破你的墙垣、用铁器拆毁你的城楼。 |
The boats are coming back half empty, so we hope to take advantage of that,said Mr Mora.
穆桥石表示:这些船回来的时候有一半是空的,所以我们希望利用这一点。 |
The bomber targeted a police recruiting center,senior police official said.
一个高级的警察官员说:“轰炸者原来的目标是警察署中心。” |
The boss threatened to dismiss all the employees who had expressed their sympathy for the strike, but it's all bluff.
老板威胁说要解雇所有同情罢工的员工,但是这不过是恐吓而已。 |