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Although China accounts for only 8% of global oil consumption, well below America's 25%, it has accounted for as much as one-third of the increase in global oil demand over the past three years, almost twice as much as America.

Although Buckingham Palace is furnished and decorated with priceless works of art that form part of the Royal Collection, one of the major art collections in the world today, it is not an art gallery and nor is it a museum. 尽管白金汉宫是装饰无价艺术品的一部分王室收藏,其中最大的艺术收藏,在当今世界,它不是一个画廊,也不是一个博物馆.
Although CO intoxication was not found during her first visit, it was found and treated in the returning visit. 虽然首次并未能诊断出其一氧化碳中毒,幸好有机会于随后的返诊作出诊断。
Although Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. 尽管坎贝尔达到了每小时超过304英里的速度,但他很难把汽车控制住,因为在开始的行程中爆了一只轮胎。
Although Cathay has been flying more cargo and passengers in the past few years, its profitability has been under pressure from jet fuel prices, which have more than doubled since 2004. 尽管过去几年国泰航空的货物和旅客运输量有所上升,但公司利润率一直受制于航空燃油价格的压力。2004年以来,航空油价已上涨一倍多。
Although Chen leads a minority government, and the DPP is divided among itself over some issues and has a fondness for pacifistic peace, love and tie-dyerhetoric, he represents a native islander strain that no longer looks at the world in relationship to 尽管陈水扁领导的是由少数派组成的政府,而且民进党也因为自身内部问题而分裂以及其略显夸张的坚持“和平、博爱、团结”的口号,但是他的成功却代表了台湾岛民不再想与中国大陆有瓜葛的意愿。
Although China accounts for only 8% of global oil consumption, well below America's 25%, it has accounted for as much as one-third of the increase in global oil demand over the past three years, almost twice as much as America. 尽管中国石油消费量仅占全球石油消耗的8%,远低于美国的25%,但在过去三年里却占了全球石油需求增长的1/3,几乎是美国的二倍。
Although China differs from the western countries in terms of reform background, strategy and the degree of marketization, it is worthwhile for China to learn from the west their ideas of reinventing government during its transitional economy. 尽管中共「国务院」机构改革背景、策略、市场化程度,与西方执行政府再造国家不同,政府再造理念亦不尽然适用,但是处于市场转型期的中国大陆,无论是市场经济体系下政府体制之建构,或者机构与革所强调的功能、效率与服务等理念仍有值得借鉴之处。
Although China discovered this method a little late, which is the reason why much of society is ill informed, it has begun to change tack in recent years. 虽然中国发现这个方法有些晚,导致了整个社会对爱滋病不够了解,但是近年来这种情况已经得以改变。
Although China has a trade surplus with some regions, it has a deficit with the Asia-Pacific region. 中国对一些地区有贸易顺差,但对亚太地区是贸易逆差。
Although China has been leading the world in the proper use of organic manures and fertilizers in China, like the rest of Asia (other than Japan), is a newcomer in the field of chemical fertilizer use. 虽然中国在合理使用有机肥料方面在全世界独树一帜,但中国和其他亚洲国家(日本除外)一样在化肥使用方面起步较晚。
Although China has relations with UPU very early, she doesn't enter it for a long time. 中国虽然很早就与万国邮联有了联系,但却迟迟未能加入这一国际组织。

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