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Mars: Is that any of your business?

Mars' air pressure is equal to Earth's at an altitude of 100,000 feet. 火星的气压相当于地球上十万英尺高空处的气压。
Mars(Ares) was the son of Jupiter and Juno. 马尔斯(阿瑞斯)是朱庇特和朱诺的儿子。
Mars, Venus and the other planets move in eccentric orbits. 火星、金星及其他行星沿不正圆的轨道运行。
Mars. Kim Stanley Robinson. In the year 2026,a group of 100 explorers sets out to colonize and terraform Mars. Except,not everyone wants it that way. 2026年,一对百名探险家起程拓殖火星并将其地球化。不过,并不是每个人都想那样做。
Mars: I could make your business mine. 艾迪:我也可以让你的事变成我的事。
Mars: Is that any of your business? 艾迪:这和你有关么?
Mars: Maybe I can find one. 艾迪:说不定我会找一个。
Marschak, 1965, “The Economics of Language”, Behavioral Science, vol. 10, pp. 135-140. 中译本:罗蒂,《哲学与自然之镜》,李幼蒸译,北京:商务印书馆1987年出版。
Marsden admits that his word choice was “ill advised” but insists the calculation was correct at the time. 马斯登承认自己的遣词用字「不大恰当」,但坚称当时计算正确。
Marseille made an attempt to land Ziani, but he opted to link up with Alain Perrin at Sochaux. 马赛试图签下济亚尼,但他选择和索肖的阿莱因·佩林会合。
Marseilles are to have more discussions early next week with Liverpool about the permanent transfer of Djibril Cisse, the forward. 马赛下周将和利物浦进行进一步会谈,他们希望永久引进前锋迪杰布利尔.西塞。

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