The width in pixels that the pen draws lines.
钢笔线条宽度指钢笔工具画线条时候的像素值。 |
The width measurement is 80 cm.
宽为80厘米. |
The width of Taiwan at its widest point is about 142km.
(台湾最宽点的宽度大约为142千米。) |
The width of a CD pit is approximately the wavelength of green light.
光盘坑形的宽度大约相当于绿色光的波长。 |
The width of a proton is a thousandth of the width of an atom, the width of an atom is a millionth of the width of a hair, and the width of a hair is a thousandth of one millimeter.
一个质子宽度是原子宽度的千分之一,原子宽度是一根头发宽度的百万分之一,一根头发宽度是一毫米的一千分之一。 |
The width of the page is 297 millimeters and the height is 210 millimeters.
页面的宽度297毫米,高度为210毫米。 |
The width of the pollution-fighting form is about seven nanometers, offering much more surface area for photocatalysis.
想要去除污染,要小到7奈米,这麽小的颗粒才能集合足够大的表面积,发挥光催化的本事。 |
The width of your fabric needs to be equal to : your back-to-floor measurement minus about 2 inches (if you are conservative you can wait to trim the 2 inches after you've finished the hakama so you can determine exactly how close to the floor you want it
你所需的布料宽度必须等于:你的下半身长度减去2英寸(如果你比较保守,可以在完成袴之后再剪去2英寸以精确决定你所希望的距地面高度)。 |
The wife and husband should complement each other.
夫妻应该取长补短。 |
The wife answered by saying, ‘Lord Buddha has been to many places and is always doing a lot of good deeds infusing loving kindness and peace in every one's hearts – even to Angulimala!
富人的妻子回答道:“世尊到过很多地方,不断地行善,所到之处,为所有人的心灵带来慈爱与平和,甚至包括了安古林马拉(注:安古林马拉,又译:指蔓,注一)。 |
The wife changes from master to maid.
妻子则是从主人到仆人。 |