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The photographer illustrates life with camera.

The photograph was backed with cardboard. 照片背面衬上了一层纸板.
The photographer actually strengthened this prizewinner by ignoring a few guidelines and composing this subject in the center of the format. 摄影者忽略了一些法则,把主体置于中间位置,竟然使这个获奖人的效果得以加强。
The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown. 这位摄影师恰好在日落前一小时赶到了临时跑道。
The photographer depicts life with camera. 摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。
The photographer describes life with camera. 摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。
The photographer illustrates life with camera. 摄影师用摄影机阐释生活。
The photographer must be a part of the picture. 摄影师必须是照片的一部分。
The photographer on the left along with observers on the right plus the incoming wave of white water is simply stunning. 左边的摄影者和右边的观看者,加上涨上来的白色浪花,就很迷人了.
The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. This was done on the top of a bus in downtown London. 这时摄影师打开手提箱,拿出一大叠婴儿照片,说:“您瞧!这些都是在伦敦市中心区的公共汽车顶上弄出来的。”
The photographer posed him carefully. 摄影师细心地指点他摆好姿势。
The photographer posed his model carefully. 摄影师小心地把他的模特儿的姿势摆好。

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