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Proper knowledge of what foods to feed in the proper proportions.

Proper footwear, including clean socks, must be worn. 必须穿着合适的鞋以及干净的袜子。
Proper free trade would be by far the best way to help poor farmers. 就目前来看,帮助穷苦农民最好的办法是适可而止的自由贸易。
Proper frequency and amplitude for different soil and layer depth. 适宜的振幅、振动频率,适合不同土壤和铺层厚度。
Proper grounding also assists the body in feeling safe and at peace. 正确的根植也协助身体感受安全与安宁。
Proper implementation and protection of labels. 标签正确使用和保护.
Proper knowledge of what foods to feed in the proper proportions. 知道如何以适当的比例搭配不同食物。
Proper naming helps code readers understand each test's purpose. 正确的命名可以帮助别人理解每个测试的目的。
Proper nouns are spelled with a capital letter. 专有名词用大写字母。
Proper parameters of the optical system will not only insure the star seusor to achieve the expected performance,but also be helpful to reduce the cost of R&D. 选择合理的参数不但能确保星敏感器达到预期的性能,而且有助于降低产品的研制成本。
Proper planning and preparation before you go will help you have a safe and memorable trip. Remember to practice the Hiker Responsibility Code to ensure everyone's safety. It's your responsibility. 出行前恰当的计划和准备,将帮助你获得安全且令人难忘的旅行。记着按照“徒步旅行者责任手册”去实践以确保每个人的安全。这是你的责任!
Proper protection to WI in use to avoid damage + clear printings (e.g. text size, drawings, picture, materials description, etc.) on WI for easy reference. 使用过程中妥善保护作业指导书,避免做成损坏.此外,档之印刷(文字大小,绘图,图片,物料描述等)能保持整洁清晰,非常容易参考.

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