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The right pleural cavity is filled with a cloudy yellowish-tan fluid, characteristic for a chylothorax.

The right of the police, the right of the litigant and the lawyer should be restrained by regulations in the limit of laws. 警方的权力、当事人和律师的权利,都应该在法律范围内受到规范制约。
The right of the split: AITC has the right to split the total shares of the STOCK any time, and the STOCK hold by the CLIENT will be increased at the same time with the same percentage. 分股权利:甲方有权利根据企业的发展需要进行分股,每一次的分股,乙方的股票都将按照同等比例进行增长.
The right part is higher than the left of the green. A bunker sits in front of the green and a grass pit backs to green. 一个果岭右边高、左边低的三杆洞,击球至少要有190码的距离,不够会落入前方的沙坑,太长则会跑到后方的长草区。
The right party are certain to be victorious. 正义的一方一定会胜利。
The right place for the bowl is on the shelf. 放这只碗的合适位置是架子上。
The right pleural cavity is filled with a cloudy yellowish-tan fluid, characteristic for a chylothorax. 图示乳糜胸,右胸膜腔充满黄褐色云絮状液体。
The right result perhaps, but hardly corporate governance in action. 结果也许是正确的,但公司治理几乎没有发挥作用。
The right side is more imaginative and intuitive and tends to work holistically, integrating pieces of an informational puzzle into a whole. 右大脑半球比较富想像力,比较直觉,比较倾向整体性的思考,将资讯片段整合成一体。
The right side is the current accumulated flow's pie chart, and the left side is the line chart of real-time flow analysis. 右方为目前系统累积流量分析之圆饼图,左方则为即时流量分析折线图。
The right solution is to lay down more gallop bridges, overpasses and underpasses in big cities. 他们说如今交通比过去拥挤的多,尤其是在交通高峰期。
The right time meets to the person, is the life is happy; The wrongtime meets the wrong person, is a section of absurdity; The wrong timemeets to the person, is a sigh! 对的时间遇见对的人,是一生幸福;错的时间遇见错的人,是一段荒唐;错的时间遇见对的人,是一声叹息!

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