Bill Monroe represents the virtual base of bluegrass.
比尔.门罗代表了肯塔基音乐的发源。 |
Bill Munny: Give him a drink of water, goddamn it. Will you give him a drink of water for Christ's sake? We ain't gonna shoot.
芒尼:给他点水喝,该死的。看在上帝的份上给他点水喝行么?我们不会开枪的。 |
Bill Pittman, for example, reported to Gerald Levin, the CEO of AOL-Time Warner.
例如,鲍勃·皮特曼要向美国在线—时代华纳的首席执行官杰拉尔德·莱文报告。 |
Bill Richardson, New Mexico's governor, called Iraq a “disaster”.
新墨西哥州州长比尔.理查森称,美伊战争是一场“灾难”。 |
Bill Sullivan: The president has asked me to look into creating a foreign intelligence agency.
比尔:总统已经授命我创办一家外国人才中介机构。 |
Bill Venners : Could you give an overview of Design by Contract?
你可以概括描述一下契约式设计吗? |
Bill Venners : In your book, Object-Oriented Software Construction, you write, For a system of any significant size, the individual quality of the various elements involved is not enough.
你的《面向对象软件构造》一书中讲到:“对于一个大型系统来说,光保证它的各组成部分的质量是不够的。 |
Bill Venners : It sounds to me that you're talking about two things: getting rid of unnecessary complexity and dealing with inherent complexity.
根据我的理解,你应该是在论述两件事情:去除不必要的复杂性和处理必然的复杂性。 |
Bill Weasley had a penfriend from Brazil who became upset when Bill couldn't travel all the way to South America for a visit, so this person send him a cursed hat which made his ears shrivel up.
比尔.韦斯莱的巴西笔友在得知比尔不能到南美洲旅行顺便来看他后非常不高兴,于是他寄给比尔一顶被诅咒过的帽子,戴上它后比尔的耳朵皱缩成一团。 |
Bill and Bob are boon companions.
比尔和鲍勃是很合得来的朋友. |
Bill and Bruce seemed like twins.
比尔和布鲁斯看起来像双胞胎。 |