Ex.:Everyone says that Lao Li is one-track minded. He has the least flexibility.
例:大家都说老李是死心眼儿,没有一点灵活性。 |
Ex.:Lao Liu's wife often quarrels with her neighbors, over trifle things most of the time.
例:老刘的老婆经常和邻居吵架,多是因为一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。 |
Ex.:Lao Mao has an irascible temperament and offends people easily. If his wife is not there to smooth things over, he will be really lost at what to do.
例:老毛这个人就是太急,说话老得罪人,如果不是他夫人打圆场,他可真不知道怎么办了。 |
Ex.:My words are taken as a puff of wind in my son's ears, while what his teacher said are decree.
例:儿子把我的话当做耳边风;可是他老师说的,简直是圣旨。 |
Ex.:Now what we need is pragmatic action but none of your empty talk.
例:我们现在要实际的行动,不能光说大话,放空炮。 |
Ex.:Our factory got off to a good start this year, over fulfilling the production quota for the very first quarter.
例:厂里今年一开始就取得了开门红,第一个季度就超额完成了任务。 |
Ex.:Sometimes, people who play the role of a peacemaker is also needed in one unit, so that conflicts can be settled easier.
例:一个单位有时候也需要一个和稀泥的人,这样很多矛盾容易解决。 |
Ex.:The self-claimed Hongkong merchant finally revealed his true feature of a quack.
例:这位自称是香港商人的人终于露出了马脚,原来他是一个骗子。 |
Ex.:This bicycle is completely obsolete, but Lao Sun still grudges throwing it away.
例:尽管这辆自行车都老掉牙了,可是老孙还是舍不得扔掉。 |
Ex.:What we need is man of action but not those with lip service only.
例:我们需要实干的人,不要光耍嘴皮子的人。 |
Ex.:Xiao Zhou hasn't been to college, but he studied assiduously by himself and became the backbone technician of the factory, or the key figure in profession, as everyone says.
例:小舟虽然没上过大学,但他自己刻苦学习,成了厂里的技术骨干,大家说在业务上他是顶梁柱。 |