From 1935 to 1940, Lange's photographs made the country aware of those who were suffering most during the Depression, especially families of migrant farm workers who sought work in California after losing their own farms in states such as Oklahoma and Ark
从1935年至1940年,蓝吉的照片使这个国家注意到那些在经济大萧条期间承受最多苦难的百姓,尤其是那些因为失去自己在奥克拉荷马州或阿肯色州的庄园,而不得以流浪到加州寻找工作的农村家庭。 |
From 1949 to 1960, with the development of national economy arid higher education, China went through several stages in employing Soviet Union experts, and each stage revealed different features.
从1949到1960年间,随着国民经济和高等教育的发展,我国聘请苏联教育专家经历了不同的发展阶段,并体现出了不同的特点。 |
From 1950 to 1955 he worked with producer Dino de Laurentiis, but the partnership broke up over budget squabbles.
从1950年到1955年,庞帝和电影制作人迪诺·德·劳伦提斯合作,但是这一合作关系由于预算上的争论而宣告结束。 |
From 1950s to 1980s, the (superscript 10)B-Neutron Capture Therapy(BNCT) has been considered as an effective and useful treatment modality for some kinds of cancer through a series of testing work.
摘要自1950年代到1980年代,硼捉中子治疗模式经过种种的试验阶段,其临床实用性终于在某些癌病的治疗上获得初步证实。 |
From 1952 to 2001, although Guangdong's industrial structure has dramatically changed, it has remained to lag behind the level of international industrial structure.
摘要1952~2001年,广东的产业结构发生了巨大的变化,但是与国际相比较,广东产业结构的合理性仍然滞后,主要是第三产业发展相对滞后。 |
From 1963 to 1966 she studied at the Piano Department of Central Conservatory of Music for graduate programme.
1963年至1966年就读中央音乐学院钢琴系硕士研究生。 |
From 1969 to 1990, there were 202 chromosome analyses performed for clinically impressed hypospadiac patients in our hospital.
摘要尿道下裂是阴茎的一种先天性缺损,是由于尿道前端不完全发育所导致的结果。 |
From 1975 to 1995, Mr Mineta represented a district in Silicon Valley in the US House of Representatives.
从1975-1995年峰田先生在众议院中是硅谷地区的代表。 |
From 1978 to 1992, the per capita net income of farmers rose by six fold, at an average annual rate of 13.4 per cent.
从1978年到1992年,农民的人均收入以年均百分之十三点四的速度增长了六倍。 |
From 1980's, China has practised the villager autonomy system, triggering the recovery of the function of clansmen.
20世纪80年代伊始,国家推行村民自治,触发了宗族功能的复苏。 |
From 1981 to now, Xiamen city absorbed the experience precept, and continuously enhanced the environmental protection measure, and actualized in earnest continuable development strategy, and acquired the following results: ① with gross domestic product, G
1981年至今,厦门市不断强化环保措施,努力实施可持续发展战略,获得的成果有:①在国内生产总值快速增长,人均产值突飞猛进的情况下,大气质量仍达国家一级标准,海水质量达到一类标准;②先后被评为“国家园林城市”、“国家环保模范城市”、“中国优秀旅游城市”等;③2003年荣膺中国城市各类综合评比中的最高奖项―中国人居环境奖;④现已步入环境与经济同步发展、良性循环的轨道,成为中国城市建设走可持续发展道路的楷模。 |