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Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks.

Historians puzzle over why, for 500 years after inventing gunpowder, China invented so little else. 在发明火药后的500年间,中国几乎没有什么新发明,历史学家对此感到困惑不解。
Historians record the rise and fall of civilizations over time; yet time measured by the notches on the stick or the calendar markings on the wall remains a backdrop to experience. 历史学家记录了时间上的文明起伏;木条上记录时间的刻痕或者是墙上日历的记号仍旧只代表当时的历史背景。
Historians refer the fall of Rome to 410 A.D. 历史学家说罗马帝国的陷落是在公元410年。
Historians think the first coins may have been created, or minted, in about 700 BC in Lydia 7 , a region in modern Turkey. 历史学家认为现土耳其境内一个名为莱地亚的地区可能在公元前700年左右铸造出第一枚硬币。
Historic Christianity, including modern-day Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, teaches that she was a virgin before, during, and after giving birth to Jesus. 历史上的基督教,包括现代罗马天主教和东正教,教导她曾经是,怀上耶稣时是,耶稣出生后是处女。
Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks. 2001年的今天,具有历史意义的、为“九一一”袭击中的遇难者举行的国家祈祷仪式在华盛顿的国家大教堂举行。
Historic documents attest to the truth of this legend. 历史文件见证这个传说的真实性。
Historical Knowledge of Quality—Demonstrates understanding of past quality issues for products and processes; leverages knowledge on how these quality issues were addressed when addressing quality issues on the floor. 历史知识素质----显示了解过去的产品质量和工艺问题;凭借这些知识的质量问题是如何解决在处理质量问题发言.
Historical Pinghua has much bearing on the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. 摘要讲史平话与《三国演义》成书的关系十分密切。
Historical Scottish beers were very peatyin many cases. 因此历史上很多苏格兰啤酒都很“似泥煤”。
Historical authenticity; fact. 历史性,真实性历史真实;事实

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