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The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness.

The pros may have a slight turn with the racket in the direction they are running, but the fullng begins when they are about to hit. 尽管在他们的跑动过程中球拍会有轻微的调整,但是当他们准备击球时一定会保证球拍的充分摆动。
The pros outweigh the cons. 正面理由超过反面理由。
The prose author's diagnosis discloses that the hose is damaged. 散文作者的诊断透露软管被损坏。
The prosecution attorney collected so much evidence against the thief that he felt it was an open and shut case. 原告的律师收集了许多证据来指控这小偷,他认为案已大白。
The prosecution based their case on the evidence of two witnesses. 原告方面以两名证人所提供的证据提起诉讼。
The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness. 控方律师诘问被告一方的证人.
The prosecution quickly pointed out the contradictions in the defendant's testimony. 起诉人很快就会指出被告的证词矛盾之处。
The prosecution says that Mr Taylor controlled everything throughout the conflict, even after becoming Liberia's president in 1997. 在法庭诉讼中讲道,泰勒先生在整个**中控制着一切,甚至在1997年他成为了利比里亚的总统之后,他仍手握控制权。
The prosecution tried to discredit their opponent in the case. 起诉方努力使诉讼案中的对手丧失名誉。
The prosecutor brought an accusation of theft against him. 检察官指控他偷窃。
The prosecutor brought rape charges against three Duke lacrosse players. 检察官奈逢曾对三名杜克大学曲棍球队员提起强奸罪指控。

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