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A plume formerly used to trim women's hats.

A plowman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees. 站着的农民比跪着的绅士高贵。
A ploy to ensure the security distribution of the key and the identity authentication of the peers in P2P network is provided in this paper. 摘要文章提出了一种在P2P网络中安全分发密钥和进行对等点身份认证的方法。
A plug and play system has three parts: the BIOS, the device, and the operating system. 一个即插即用系统有三个部份:基本输出入系统,装置和操作系统。
A plumber can fix your bathroom. 水管工人可以修你的厕所。
A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing. 管子工是安装和修理水管的人。
A plume formerly used to trim women's hats. 装饰羽毛用作装饰妇女女帽的羽毛
A plunging ranula is a relatively uncommon phenomenon, presenting as mucous extravasation from a sublingual gland into the cervical tissue spaces, with a pseudocyst that lacks an epithelial lining. 摘要颈部蛤蟆肿为临床上不常见的疾病,其成因是由于舌下腺黏液外渗入颈部间隙中,造成无上皮内衬的假性囊肿。
A plunging stock market in China along with falling markets in Japan and Europe were the initial forces behind the fall, but the drop gain momentum by a number of other converging factors. 伴随中国股市的狂跌,日本、欧洲股市迅速下跌,这是导致道琼斯指数狂跌的触发因素,但其背后尚有诸多综合因素。
A pluralistic research method including qualitative, quantitative and philosophical methods should be applied in the process of research. 应该运用包括质性研究、定量研究和思辨研究在内的多元方法开展此类研究。
A plurality of ceramic substrates are used to manufacture and integrate a highly integrated multi-layer circuit module. 复数个陶瓷基板被用来制造和整合一高整合多层电路模组。
A pneumatic source is normally used for this purpose. 在这种情况下,通常需要气源。

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