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If the process controller was in automatic scroll mode at the time of the changeover to manual, it is preferable to select the RUN/STOP functin in order to stop the time base and set the reference value, since in the event of an automatic restart it is ea

If the problem isn't system-specific and involves network changes or changes in the security architecture, then this is the time to submit changes requests and seek approval for the changes. 如果问题不是特定系统并涉及网络改变或安全结构上的改变,那么这是提交改变请求和寻找改变许可的时候了。
If the problem of heat radiation cannot be solved properly, it will lead to a quick temperature rise of laser diodes and may even lead to catastrophic optical damage (COD). 文章分析了半导体激光器的发热因素,并对了几种常见的热沉类型进行了分析研究。
If the problem significantly affects the patient's ability to work, drive, read, see medicine labels, or other critical activities, vitrectomy may be considered. 就算医生明确让病人意识该问题的严重性,但病人仍觉得并未对视觉早成困难的话,玻璃体切除术也是不提供采纳的。
If the proceeds expected from the transfer of the mortgaged property are evidently less than its value, the mortgagee may demand that the mortgagor provide an additional guaranty; if the mortgagor fails to provide to additional guaranty, then he may not t 转让抵押物的价款明显低于其价值的,抵押权人可以要求抵押人提供相应的担保;抵押人不提供的,不得转让抵押物。
If the proceeds expected from the transfer of the mortgaged property are evidently less than its &#118alue, the mortgagee may demand that the mortgagor provide an additional guaranty; if the mortgagor fails to provide to additional guaranty, then he may n 转让抵押物的价款明显低于其价值的,抵押权人可以要求抵押人提供相应的担保;抵押人不提供的,不得转让抵押物。
If the process controller was in automatic scroll mode at the time of the changeover to manual, it is preferable to select the RUN/STOP functin in order to stop the time base and set the reference value, since in the event of an automatic restart it is ea 如转换为“手动”模式时,工序控制器处于自动滚动状态,则最好选择“运行/停止”功能来停止时基并设置参考值,因为如果出现自动重启,而在手动模式中已进行了很多步骤地话,则前进此程序要比后退容易得多。
If the process is successful, the pregnancy reaches full term and a genetic copy of the donor animal is born. 如果这一切成功,到了生产的时候,一个捐赠动物的基因复制品就会出生。
If the process is telescoped down to barely three weeks, there will be no chance for momentum to build up, and probably a good deal less of the “retail politics” that is a refreshing contrast to slick television advertising. 如果这一过程缩短至仅仅三周的时间,这种动力将很难建立,可能也不会有的大量的“零售政治”活动(候选人四处游说、争取选票的一种活动,带有自我推销和做秀的色彩,译者注),它和老套的电视广告相比起来更为受人欢迎。
If the process is understood, it can be accelerated. 如果理解了这个程序,就能加快工作进程。
If the process of economic globalization and trade liberalization moves along rationally, it may not only allocate world resources more effectively and fairly, as well as expand the productive forces of all countries, but also promote the establishment of 如果经济全球化和贸易自由化朝着合理的方向发展,促进有效而公正地配置世界资源,促进各国生产力的发展,促进全球多边贸易体制和公正合理的国际经济新秩序的建立,从而造福各国人民。
If the product is a redeemed gift, where no invoice / receipt is presented by the user, the Guarantee Certificate will only be valid if it bears the chop of redemption centre and date of collection. 如受保之产品为换领之赠品,用户未持有发票/收据,产品保用证必须盖上换领中心之盖印及日期方为有效。

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