Light Rail Transit has many merits such as low price, all-purpose, employability, etc., which is suitable for the developing countries, especially for China.
摘要轻轨交通拥有价廉、多用途、通用性强等优点,适用于发展中国家,特别是中国。 |
Light absorbed by two groups of pigments in the chloroplast-photosystems I and II.
光的吸收是依靠叶绿体中的两组色素-光合系统Ⅰ和光合系统Ⅱ来完成。 |
Light accepts darkness for his spouse for the sake of creation.
光明为了创造而接纳黑暗做伴侣。 |
Light am I: ah, that I were night! But it is my lonesomeness to be begirt with light!
我是光:呵,但愿我是夜啊!但我却寂寞地被光所包围! |
Light and dark orchid two-tone/green ruffled edge. Dark green, round, quilted. Standard.
深浅不一的明亮和暗沈的紫兰色花,绿色折边。深绿色圆形叶,叶脉向上气状突起。标准型。 |
Light and darkness ,Winding Road.
光明与黑暗,蜿蜒的道路。 |
Light and is heavy, works with the meat, these phrases, in thepresent, appear have the enticement, also is that dialectical, howdebates clearly, elder brother Germany pulls has this charm, this isthe novel chapter title, what can be able to see from the t
轻与重,灵与肉,这些字眼,在如今,显得多么具有诱惑,又是那么辩证,如何辩得清楚,昆德拉就有这个魅力,这个就是小说的章节标题,能从标题里看得出来什么吗? |
Light and refined, with hay and spice notes to the pear and grapefruit flavors. 1,200 cases imported. —H.S.
轻度且精细,梨和柚子的味道中还含有干草和香料的成分。进口1200箱。 |
Light and tasty, it mixes instantly in coffee or tea, even if it is very hot.
清淡、美味,即使是热气腾腾的咖啡抑或茶,酷美也会瞬即融入。 |
Light and temperature are always artificially regulated.
人工恒控光线和温度。 |
Light appeared ahead -- the top. An end to the forest, a clearing, and sky.
(前面的山顶处有光,那里是森林的尽头,一片空旷,终于也见得到天空了。) |